Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/114

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 87, 91, 92. 189-1. 85 pursuant to decrees of the Supreme Court of the United States, which valid locations were made prior to the approval of the aforesaid Act in the same manner that patents are now issued under the provisions of section three of said Act of January twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine. Approved, May 30, 1894. CHAP. 91.-An Act Supplementary to an Act approved April sixth, eighteen Jung 5, 1g9i_ hundred and ninety-four, for the execution of the award rendered at Paris, August —é——-—· fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, by the Tribunal of Arbitration constituted under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded at Washington, February twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, in relation to the preservation of the fur seal. Whereas by the seventh article of the treaty between the United rmmtis. States and Great Britain, concluded at Washingtoii, February twenty- ‘°'· 27·P·”5°· ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, in relation to the preservation of the fur seal, the high contracting parties agree to co-operate in securing the adhesion of other powers to such regulations as the arbitrators under said treaty might determine upon for that purpose; and \Vhereas by an Act of Congress approved April sixth, eighteen hun- ana, p. sz. dred and ninety-four, provision has been made by the United States for the execution of the regulations so determined upon and for the punishment of any infractions of said regulations: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United A States of America in Congress assembled, That the procedure and penal- t,F¤f-¤¤¤i Neuhties provided by said Act, in case of the violation of the provisions of ms` said regulations, are hereby made applicable to and shall be enforced Applicable _ to all against any citizen of the United States, or person owing the duty of {,'Q°{,‘}f,{t}§é",Qf‘,{§’,ff”,,,Q‘f' obedience to the laws or the treaties of the United States, or person belonging to or on board of a vessel of the United States who shall kill, capture, or pursue, at any time or in any manner whatever, as well as to and against any vessel of the United States used or employed in killing, capturing, or pursuing, at any time or in any manner whatever, any fur seal or other marine fur-bearing animal, in violation of the provisions of any treaty or convention into which the United States may have entered or may hereafter enter with any other power for the purpose of protecting fur seals or other marine fur-bearing animals, or in violation of any regulations which the President may make for the due execution of such treaty or convention. Approved, June 5, 1894. CHAP. 92.-An Act To facilitate the entry of steamships. J,,,,,, 5, ]894_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the master of any steam- shipping, ship, trading between foreign ports and ports in the United States, and running in a regularly established steamship line, which line shall rmiiniauuysuuytr have been in existence and running steamers in the foreign trade for §§_,“;“,§f‘f,§’? *" b°“"" not less than one year previous to the application of the privilege extended by this Act, arriving in a port of entry may make preliminary entry of the vessel by making oath or affirmation to the truth of the statements contained in his manifest and delivering said manitest to the customs ofiticer, who shall board said vessel, whereupon the unlading of such vessel may proceed upon arrival at the wharf, under running mwimr. such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, but rtmsismy. nothing in this Act shall relieve the master of any vessel from subsequent compliance with the provisions of existing laws regarding the report and entry of vessels at the custom house. Customs officers Ahdmiuistering acting as boarding officers, and any customs officer who may be dcslg- °" ‘ nated for that purpose by the collector of the port, are hereby authorized to administer the oath or aillrmation herein provided for.