Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1122

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1098 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION—V1ENNA. JULY 4, 1891. ·*PP¤>*¤*- Having examined and considered the provisions of the aforegoing Convention signed in Vienna on the 4th day of July, A. 1891, rev1s~ ing the Convention constituting the Universal Postal Union which was concluded in Paris on the 1st day of June, 1878, and also the “Add1- tional Act" relative thereto concluded in Lisbon on the 21st day of March, 1885; the same is by me, by virtue of the powers vested by law in the Postmaster-General, hereby ratiiied and approved by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post Office Department of the United States to be hereto aiiixed, with my signature, this 24th day of May, 1892. [SEAL.] Jox1N WYANAMAKER, Postmaster-Gerwral. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Convention, and in testimony thereof, have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto aflixed. §EAL.] BENJ. HARRISON. y the President: WILLIAM F. WHARTON, Acting Secretary oj State. WASHINGTON, May 24th, 1892. [Translation.] _ umos ros-rAu; cnivnnsmnm. umvmasiu. rosnt cmox. Fhmlprotocul. PROTOCOLE FINAL. FINAL PROTOCOL. Au moment de procéder a la si- At the moment of proceeding to gnature des Conventions arrétées sign the Conventions concluded by par le Congres postal universe] de the Universal Postal Congress of Vienne, les pléuipotentiaires sous- Vienna, the undersigned pleniposignés sontconvenus de ce qui suit: tentiaries have agreed as tollows: I. I. _,§,°§;.°g’,‘jQ{,‘;,‘;f“°“” En derogation a la disposition In modification of the stipulation de Particle 6 de la Convention, qui of Article 6 of the Convention, fixe a 25 centimes au maximum le which iixes the maximum registradroit de recommendation, il est tion fee at 25 centimes, it is agreed convenu que les Etats hors d’Eu- that the States outside of Europe rope sont autorisés a. maintenir ce are authorized to maintain this maximum a 50 centimes, y compris maximum at 50 centimes, including la délivrance d’un bulletin de dé- a receipt given to the sender. pot a Pexpéditeur. II. II. ,,,€§‘3Q'§,‘;‘Q{ ‘§§,,f,‘{§Q En derogation aux dispositions _ In modification of the stipula vvmwued. de Particle 8 de la Convention, 1I est tions ofArticle 8 of the Convention convenu que, par mesure de transi· it is agreed that, as a temporary; tion, les Administrations des pays measure, the Administrations of hors d’Europe dont la legislation the countries outside of Europe est actuellement contrairc au prin- whose legislation is at present op; cipe de la responsabilité, conser· posed to the principle of responsivent la faculté d’ajourner Pappli- bility, retain the option of postcation de ce principe jnsqu’au jour poning the application of that prinou elles auront pu obtenir du pou- ciple until they shall have been voir législatif Pautorisation de Pin- able to obtain irom the legislative troduire. J usqu’a ce moment, les power the authority to introduce autres Administrations de l’Union it. Up to that time, the other Adne sont_pas astreintes a payer une ministrations of the Union are not indemmté pour la perte, dans leurs bound to pay an indemnity for the