Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1068

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1042 FIFTY-THIRD oonennss. sms. 1x1. ons. 210-214. 1895. March 2. 1895- f(§§AP.§1%—.·¥1 Act Granting a pension to Joseph R. Brooks, father, by adoption, -·—··—·—·· o enry . mo s. Be it enacted by the Senate and H case of Representatives of the United Joseph F~B¤>¤l=¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the P"" °n° Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension léswsk thelniamefofé Joseph Bgookls, fagheg, bydadolzgoiii oi: Herérly`} M. roo s a e 0 ompany , ne un re an six egimen ew York Volunteers, to date from the approval of this Act, at the rate of twelve dollars per month. Approved, March 2, 1895. March 2, 1895. CHAP 211..-An Act To pension Mary E. Hamilton, widow of David Hamilton, ··;··‘_-"‘ soldier in Indian war of eighteen hundred and eighteen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gary nnmnmn. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the °"' °”· Interior IS hereby du·ected to place on the pension rolls and pay a pension gf twelvr; dollars peiilmggth to Mrs. Mary E. Hamiltopi of Williamson ounty ennessee, s e ing the widow of David Ham' ton who served in the Ihdian war of eighteen hundred and eighteen. ’ Approved, March 2, 1895. ’ March 2, 1895. CHAP. 212.-Au Act To pension Albert Munson. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gg;{j,}*f°¤¤°¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That- the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll the name of Albert Munson, imbecile son of Jacob H. Munson, late a member of Company I, First Regiment Iowa Cavalry, subject to themprovilsiong alnd lhmitations of the Act of June twenty-seventh, eig een un re an nine y. Approved, March 2, 1895. ldamh 2» 1895- CHAP. 213.—An Act To pension Susannah Kepford, of Noble County, Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United smpuu Kspmd. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the P°““‘°“· Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to place upon the pension roll the name of Susannah Kepford, of Noble County, Indiana, gp ggmzrlgédgév ofdJpeIlt Clark, gegeased, lixtefs} pirivate Company , an o y—secon egimen o n iana 0 unteers in the war of the rebellion, subiect to the provisions and limitations of 2:: ggpgrg pegngmp lang, at th? plate of gwelve dollars per month from pa sage 0 IS c . · Approved, March 2, 1895. Mm-cn 2, 1g9s. w§E£éE;:E1t;3;¢dT? $6:1 Sic? J cseph W. Snyder, crippled sou of a soldier of the —"·*—···**··—*- { 11 W6 V0. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Joseph w. styuer. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretarv of the P*“*“°“· Interior beiai alnd hereby gs, authorized and required to place on the pension ro the name o osepb W. Sn der, th ed . dl d oi Jacob Snyder, deceased, late a privgte in Cgpigin Irilcigeifdlblbmpdgy of Pennsylvania Militia, in the war of eighteen hundred and twelve,

214;; tglpayigim a pgngongt gche rate of eight dollars a month from and

r sage 0 . is c . Approved, March 2, 1895.