Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/106

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. SEss. Il. Ch. 76. 1891. 77 the rights and privileges hereby granted, and in case of any litigation arising from any obstruction or alleged obstruction to the free navigation of said river the cause may be tried before the circuit court of the United States in and for any district i11 which any portion of said bridge or obstruction touches. Said bridge shall be constructed to T011- provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, for the transit of animals, and for foot passengers, for such reasonable rates » of toll as may be fixed by the said city of Red Wing from time to time and approved by the Secretary of War. Sec. 2. That any bridge built under the provisions of this Act shall High image. be constructed as a high bridge, with a channel span giving a clear width ot waterway of not less than three hundred and eighty feet and a clear headroom of not less than fifty-five feet above highwater mark, as understood at the point of location, and the clear headroom under other than channel spans may be reduced to ten feet above high—water mark; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river. ' Sec. 3. That any bridge constructed under this Act and according 3 Tiewfgl D j*¤¤¤*¤¤> to its provisions and conditions shall be a lawful structure, over which m lm `r H °` may be transmitted the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United States free of charge; and the United States shall have the p0,,,,1,,,,,,g,,,,,,,_ right of way for postaltelegraph purposes across said bridge. Sec. 4. That the structure herein authorized shall be built and S€·¤r5>¤¤rr<>f Warm located under and subject to such regulations for the security of the “p*”°`°pl“"”‘ °*°° navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and to secure that object the corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing of the bridge and a map of the location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the current, and the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and - shall furnish such other information as shall be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plans and location of the bridge are decided by the Secretary of \Var to be such as will not materially affect the interest of navigation the bridge shall not be commenced or built; and should any change be made in the plan of said bridge during the progress of construction such change gmugss. shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of \Var; and the said structure shall at all times be so kept and managed as to ofier reasonable and proper means for the passage of vessels through or under said structure; and for the safety of vessels passing at night there shall be displayed on said bridge, from the hours of sunset to sunrise, such lights as may be prescribed by the Light-House Board; ru:¤¤¤. Mcand the said structure shall be changed or removed, at the cost and expense of the owners thereof, from time to time, as Congress may direct, so as to preserve the free and convenient navigation of said river: and the authority to erect and continue said bridge shall be subject to revocation and modification by law when the public good shall, in the judgment of Congress, so require, without any expense or charge to the United States. . Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby —*¤¤°¤**¤¤°¤*· 9**- expressly reserved. Sec. 6. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction comqeueemeumua of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within two years °°““` °"°°‘ and completed within four years from the date thereof. Approved, May 12, 1894.