Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/984

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TH.EATY—GREAT BRITAIN. JUNE 3, 1892. 96] Treaty between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of ·¥¤¤¤ 3. IM- Great Britain and Ireland for the recovery of persons who may desert M from the merchant vessels of either country while in the ports of the other. Ooncluded at Washington June 3, 18.92; ratification advised by the Senate June 30, 1892; ratikd by the President of the United States July 14, 1892; ratified hy the Queen o6I_Great Britain and Ireland July 9, 1892; ratiiteations exchanged at aehington August 1, 189.2; proclaimed Anguat 1, 189.2. · Br rms: Pnnsmmzr or rim Umrmn Srnns on Amnmcs. A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for y,,,,,,;,;,, the recovery of persons who may desert from the merchant vessels of either country while in the ports of the other, was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries on the 3rd of June, 1892, the original of which Treaty, being in the English language, is word for word as follows: Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the recovery of persons who may desert from the merchant vessels of either country while in the ports of the other. Whereas the Governments of the United States of America and of cennwnsgpums. Great Britain are desirous to make provision for the apprehension, recovery and restoration of persons who may desert from merchant vessels of their respective countries while in the ports of the other country, and to conclude a treaty for the above purpose, the High Gontracting Parties have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude the said treaty, that is to say: The President of the United States of America, James G. Blaine, rimpmuumss. Secretary of State of the United States; and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Julian Pauncefote, G. C. M. G., K. O. B., Her M:yiesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective thll powers found in due and good form, have agreed upon the following articles. Anrrcnn I. The Consuls General, Consuls Vice-Consuls and Consular Agents of summa to mi. cither of the High Contracting Barties, residing in the dominions, pos· ;§Qf“ °,'§‘°‘;@g”‘?,;j; sessions or colonies of the other, shall have power to require irom the meri. proper authorities the assistance provided by low for the apprehension, recovery and restoration of seamen who may desert from any ship belonging to a citizen or subject of their respective countries, whilein the ports of the other country. lt} however, any such deserter shall have Punishment rei vonimitted any crime or offense in the country where he is found, his °""'°" surrender or restoration may be delayed until the proper tribunal before which the case shall be pending or may be cognizable, shall have pgonounced its sentence and the sentence shall have been carried into 8 ect' vox. xxvu---61