Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/928

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GENERAL ACT—SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. 905 locahtes on reside une autorite where there isa resident authority relevant d’une des Puissances si- belonging to one of the signatory gnataues. powers. Dans toute_l’étendue de la zone Throughout the extent of the Negrtpasseuga-¤_m prévue a_ Particle XXI, aucun pas- zone mentioned in Article XXI £{$‘{§‘§§.§‘§P'°"°°“'g' sager noir ne pourra etre débarqué no negro passenger shall be landed d’un bat1mentind1gene hors d’une from a native vessel except at a locahte ou reside une autorité rele- place in which there is a resident vant d’une des Hautes Parties con- officer belonging to one of the high tractantes et‘sans que cette auto- contracting powers, and unless rité assnste au débarquement. such officer is present at the landing. Les cas de force majeure qui Cases of vis major that mayhave Cases crm mam. auraient déterminé Pinfraction a caused an infraction of these proces dispositions devront étre ex- visions shall be examined by the amines par Pautorité de la Puis- authority of the power whose colsance dont le batiment porte les ors the vessel carries, or, in default couleurs, ou, at défaut de celle-ci, thereof, by the territorial authority par Pautorité territoriale du port of the port at which the vessel in dans lequel le batiment inculpé question calls. fait relache. Anrrcmc XXXIX. Axrrcrn XXXIX. Les prescriptions des articles The provisions of Articles E¤*’l;¤P*»i°¤¤ <>f¤¤¤=¤1 xxxv, xxxvr, xxxvu et xxxv, xxxvr, xxxvn, and "°““ · XXXVIII ne sont pas applicables XXXVIII are not applicable to ` aux bateaux non pontés entiere· vessels only partially decked, havment, ayant un maximum de dix ing a crew not exceeding ten men, hommes d’éqnipage et qui satisfe- and fulfilling one of the two folrout a l’une des deux conditions lowing conditions: suivantes: 1° S?a.donner exclusivement ala 1. That it be exclusively used F*°h*°S *°°¤°*¤· péche dans les eaux territoriales; for iishing within the territorial waters. 2° Se livrer au petit cabotage 2. That it be occupied in the Com-trade vessels. entre les differents ports de la petty coasting trade between the meme Puissance territoriale, sans diflerent ports of the sa-me terris’éloigner de la cote a plus de 5 torial power, without going further milles. than 5 miles from the coast. Ces diiférents bateaux recevront, These different boats shall re- Speciullicense. suivant les cas, de l’autorité terri- ceive, as the case may be, a special toriale ou de Pautorité consulaire, license from the territorial or conune licence spéciale renouvelable sular authority, which shall be rechaque année et révocable dans newed every year, and subject to les conditions prévues a Particle revocation as provided in Article XL, et dont le modcle uniforme, XL, the uniform model of which annexe au present Acte general, license is annexed to the present sera communioné au Bureau inter- general act and shall be communinational dc rcnseignements. rated to thednternational information office. Anrroms XL. Aaricrz XL. Tout acte ou tentative de traite, Any act or attempted act con- License it be rm-. légalement constaté a la charge du nected with the slave-trade that {3;*** ‘°' °*“°·*”°· capitainc, armateur ou propriétaire can be legally shown to have been ` d’un batiment autorisé a porter le committed by the captain, fitterpavillon d’une des Puissances si- out, or owner of a ship authorized gnataires,ouayantobtenulalicence to carry the flag of one of the sigprévue in Particle XXXIX, cntrai- natory powers, or having procured nera le retrait immédiat de cette the license provided for in Article