Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/81

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54 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. GHS. 123. 124. 1892. Lawful sn-mum SEO. 2. That the bridges constructed under this act and according to ““° Pm ’°"“’“‘ its limitations shall be lawful structures and shall be known as post routes, and the same are hereby declared to be post routes, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, freight, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for their transportaiuon over the railroads and public highways leading to said bridges; and equal privileges in the use of said bridges shall be granted to all telegraph com- P¤¤t¤1 telegraph- panics, and the United States shall have the right of way for postaltelegraph purposes across said bridges. nee by other comps- Sec. 3. That all railway companies desiring to use said bridges shall ‘“°“· have, and be entitled to, equal rights and privileges in the passage of the same and in the use of the machinery and fixtures thereof and of rams. all the approaches thereto, under and upon such terms and conditions ' as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War upon hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties in case they shall not agree. A¤¤¤¤dm¤¤t <>¢<=· Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved. Ccmqenment and Sec. 5. That if actual construction of the bridges herein authorized °°““’1°"°“‘ shall not be commenced within two years from the passage of this act and be completed in four years from the same date, the rights and privileges hereby granted shall cease and be determined. Approved, June 21, 1892. · Julw 22, 1892- CHAP. 124.-An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri ""`°""°"“_ River at the city of Yankton, South Dakota. ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Cgnvktmm lgggzv States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the Mag::-i nite- gi Yankton Bridge Company, a corporation organized for that purpose Y•'*'*°**· S· mk under the general corporation laws of the State of South Dakota, or its assigns, to construct, under and subject to the conditions and limitations hereafterprovided, a combined railroad, wagon, and foot-passen ger bridge across the Missouri River, at the city of Yankton, South Dakota, and lay on and over said bridge railway tracks for the more perfect Railwaly, wsgm connection of any and all railways that now are, or which may hereafter ‘“"’ ’°°* ""’g°· be, constructed to the Missouri River at the city of Yankton, or to the river on the opposite side of the same, near the city of Yankton, and build, erect, and lay on and over said bridge ways for wagons, vehicles of all kinds, and for the transit of animals, and to provide ways for foot passengers, and to maintain and operate said bridge for the purposes · Use by mnmm. aforesaid; and that when said bridge is constructed all trains of railroads terminating at said river, and on the opposite side thereof, at the city of Yankton, South Dakota, shall be allowed to cross said bridge rms. for reasonable compensation to be made to the owners of the same; and if the amount of said compensation can not be agreed upon by the parties the same shall be fixed by the Secretary of War. The owners of said bridge may also charge and receive reasonable compensation or '1`¤¤¤- tolls for the transit over said bridge of all wagons, carriages, vehicles, prma. animals, and foot passengers: Provided, That the Secretary of War mics, em. may at any time prescribe such rules, regulations, and rates of toll for traéisit and gfansportation over said bridge as may be deemed proper an reasona e. 0•>¤¤¤¤¤’¤i<>¤- Sec. 2. That any bridge built under the provisions of this act may, _ at the option of the corporation building the same, be built as a draw-

  • "°°**°*· bridge, or with unbroken or continuous spans: Provided, That if the

SP¤¤¤- same shall be made of unbroken continuous spans, it shall not be in any case of less elevation than fifty feet above extreme high-water mark as understood at the point of location, to the lowest part of the superstructiue, with straight girders; nor shall the spans of said bridge be less than three hundred feet in the clear at low-water mark; and the