Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/809

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. FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 261-263, 278. 1892. 785 CHAP. 261. -—An act for the relief of J. D. King. July 26, 1892 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General ·’,- "·Ki¤g· be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay J . D. King, post office inspector, hl°'mDH°' out ot the appropriation lor mail depredations and post office inspectors, the sum ot eighty-one dollars, that amount having been advanced by hun trom his private funds to witnesses in the case of the United States versus John Hanna, charged with robbing the mails, and for which amount Inspector King has not been reimbursed. Approved, July 26, 1892. Si§i?3£b§0iSxé for the relief of Henry S. Cohn, late of the one hundred and July 26, 189;; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sta tes of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, $‘§§Q,S:·,(,Q§}‘,, COP and he is hereby, authorized and directed to recognize Henry S. Cohn rested- 3 as second lieutenant Company C. One hundred and sixth Ohio Volunteers, from February seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, without additional pay or emoluments, the date he was assigned to duty as second lieutenant of that Company, and to grant him an honorable discharge as of that grade to date May twentysecond, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, when discharged on Surgeon’s certiiicate of disability. Approved, July 26, 1892. CHAP. 263.-An act for the relief of Julius C. Zanone, only heir of Jolm B. July 26, 1892. Zanone late of Mound City, in Pulaski County, Illinois, deceased. +;—— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- John B. zammp. ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any P""'"“"°°°h°"°f‘ money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Julius C. Zanone, only heir of John B. Zanone, deceased, late of Mound City, in the county of Pulaski, and State of Illinois, the sum of four thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars, as and tbr the rental value of certain buildings in said Mound City, Illinois, from April twentieth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to April thirtieth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixtynine, said buildings having been used and occupied by the United States Government as a marine barracks, and so forth, for and during said period, and which buildings were, during the time the same were so held, used, and occupied by said Government, the property of the said John .15. Zanone. Approved, July ::6, 1892. CHAP. 278.-An act to correct the military record of Joseph Wackerly July 2’7,1ss2. Be it enaetwl bg the Senate and House o/' Represcntatires of the United States o/' A ineriea in ( 'ougress assembled, That the Secretary of \Var be, ‘{{‘Q§Q;mjf:5"{br_ and he is lu·rcl»y, uuthorized and directed to correct and amend the rvcwd. n·4·ord of Joseph WVa<·kerl y, late a private in Company K, Twentylourth l<c;.:i1n•·nt( lhio In tiintry, hyremovingthereiromthe charges of desertion, and substitutingtlu·y·onu·, M Captured at Shiloh, Tennessee, April sixth, •—ight•·<·n hundred and sixtytwo, paroled at Montgomery, Alabama, May twentvtwo, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and declared exchanged on September tw¢·nt_v»one, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, by General Orders one hundred and lorty-seven, Adjutant-General’s Office, of voi. xxvu--.50