Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/744

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718 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 212. 1893. B¤r·•¤ of or<1- s BUREAU or oaDNANc1:. DRDCQ. ngmsme °¤i· OHDNANCE AND ORDNANGE Srormsz For procuring, producing, pre- ' serving, and handling ordnance material; for the armament of ships; for fuel, and material and labor to be used in the general work of the ` Ordnance Department; for; furniture at magazines, at the ordnance dock, New York, an at the naval ordance and proving ground, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars; expenses of target practice, fifteen thousand dollars; Newpmviuggmund. Maintenance of new proving ground, five thousand dollars; in all, two hundred thousand dollars. surnam www Sonmnmn Tourmno BoAr: For building a submarine torpedo boat bw"` and conducting experiments therewith, two hundred thousand dollars, to be taken irom the balances of appropriations on hand July iirst eighteen hundred and ninety-three, to the credit of armor and armament of vessels heretofore authorized. Repairs- REPAIRS BUREAU OF ORDNANCE: For necessary repairs to ordnance buildings, magazines, gun, parks, boats, lighters, wharves, machinery, and other objects of the like character, thirty thousand dollars. T··¤>·<1¤ ¤*-·¤i¤¤·· Tournno S1·Ar1oN, Bomanm or Onnnnzcn, Nnwroar, Rnonm ISLAND: For labor, material, freight and express charges; general care of and repairs to grounds, buildings and wharves; boats, instruction, instruments, tools, furniture, experiments, and general torpedo , outfits, sixty thousand dollars. mm mama NAVAL MILITIA: For arms and equipment connected therewith for naval militiaof various States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, twenty-five thousand dollars. Contingent- CONa·1NcmNT BUREAU OF ORDNANGE: For miscellaneous items, . namely: Freight to foreign and home stations; advertising; cartage and express charges; repairs to fire engine; gas and water pipes; gas and water tax at magazines; toHs, ferriage, foreign postage, and telegrams to and from the Bureau, and incidental expenses attending inspections of ordnance material, eight thousand dollars. cavsremtmimuz. Own. EsrAm.rsnMmu·, BUREAU on ORDNANCE: For the civil establishment under the Bureau of Ordnance, namely: rmsmoum. Navy·yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For one writer, when required, five hundred dollars; amen. Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: For one writer, when required, five hundred dollars; mw rm;. I Navy-yard, New York: For one clerk, at one tlnouszmd tour hundred c dollars; n·.m.i¤,;a¤. N avy·yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For one clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty- tive cents each; one drattsnnan, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; three draitsmen, at one thousand and eighty-one dollars each; one assist-ant draftsman, at seven hundred and seventy-two dollars; two ioremen, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; two copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one telegraph operator and copyist, at nine hundred dollars; Nomar. Navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; Mm manu. Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twentyfxive cents; Pr··vi¤zz~¤¤•1- Nnval ordnance proving ground: For one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; rtrpeut muon. Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, Rhode Island: For one chemist, at two thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one draftsman, at one thousand five hundred dollars;