Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/699

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FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 210. 1893. 673 Fpr contingent, Bureau of Ordnance, ninety-eight dollars and eleven B¤¤¤¤¤<·f<>¤l¤¤¤¤¤ cen . For contingent, Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, four hundred au]f,“I{‘;‘;§ui}§*l{*;*Pm°¤° and thirty dollars and ninety-nve cents. "° For maintenance of yards and docks, Bureau of Yards and Docks D£'fQ§f”“ Yam ““" except for services over the several racist railroads, one hundred and nineteen dollars and fiftythree cents. For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, forty-nve dollars B¤r¤¤¤¤fM¤di¤m¤. and forty-seven cents. For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, nfty dollars .,3*;*::3 &fm{’i;gvi— and nve cents. °` For contingent, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, two hundred and eighty-four dollars and fifty-four cents. For construction and repair, Bureau of Construction and Repair t,f¤¤*‘==5¤£f C<r¤¤¤¤¤· except for services over the several Pacino railroads, six hundred mm °Pm` dollars and forty-six cents. For steam machinery, Bureau of Steam Engineering, except for serv- Ef*%¤;*;*;,D°* S*·>=·¤· ices over the several Pacino railroads, two hundred and seventy dollars gm g` and twenty-one cents. For enlistment bounties to seamen, three hundred and four dollars _E¤1is¤m¤¤t bonuaud cents. ties, seamen. For bounty for the destruction of enemies? vessels, forty-six dollars ml>¤$¤¤¤¢i{>¤ vf ¤¤¤· and nitty-eight cents. °s v°”° °' For estruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, nfty-one D°=’·"°>‘°·* ¤l·>*¤i¤z- dollars. For extra pay to officers and men who served on the Pacific coast, ,,};,'}°*“° °°"·’*· °’”’* two hundred and eighty-six dollars. Mileage, Navy (Graham decision): For the payment of claims for dit? Mi\¤·s¤· Nm'- ference between actual expenses and mileage, allowed under the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the case of Graham, four thousand one hundred and seventy dollars and ninety-eight cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE SIXTH AUDITOR. cmm¤ ninwen by Sixth Auditor. For denciency in the postal revenue, eighteen hundred and ninety and Pom, mmuep prior years, two thousand nine hundred and seventy-one dollars and eightyfour cents. Claim allowed by the First Auditor and First Comptroller, for the H,,,,,,,, C,,,,,,,, amount due the estate of Horace Capron, deceased, formerly Commissioner of Agiculture, three hundred and thirty two dollars. Sec. 4. That for the payment of the following claims, certined to be Cm,,,, ,.,.,,m,.d by due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department ¤·‘°·>··¤¢i¤s ··***¢··*¤· under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section live of the V 1 18 no act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventylbur, and under °' ’°‘ ' appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certined to Congress under section two of the act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-tour, "<>*· 2*-1>· 25* as fully set forth in Senate Executive Document Numbered One Hundred and One, Fifty-second Congress, second session, there is approprinted as follows: YVAR DEPARTMENT CLAIMS CERTIFIED BY THE SECOND c,QQ;'Sec},’:l";\'},'j,',}:{ AUDITOR AND SECOND COMPTROLLER. uu cémpzminer. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, two hundred and twenty-three A""? P"? dollars and sixty-four cents. von xxvu--43