Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/66

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SEss. I. CHS. 7 6-78. 1892. 39 Sec. 3. That said bridge shall be built as a high bridge with unbroken spans and continuous spans, all spans over the water way to have a clear channel way of not less than four hundred feet, and a clear headroom of not less than fifty-tive feet above high water mark; and the piers ot said bridge shall be parallel with the current of said river, and the bridge itself at right angles thereto. Sec. 4. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed, Work to comme-me upon receiving such plan and other information, and upon being satis- §£,°,{‘,_ §§"°"“l °* fied that a bridge so built will conform to the requirements of this act, to notify the company authorized to build the same that he approves of the same; and upon receiving such notiiication the said company may proceed to erect said bridge, conforming strictly to the approved plan and location, and should any change be made in the plan of the bridge or accessory works during the progress of the work thereon, srtrchr change shall be subject likewise to the approval of the Secretary o ar. · Sno 5. That any bridge built under this act and subject to its m{·l¤w¤;1 ;*¤¤¤*¤¤> tations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known P°° mu °' as a post route, upon which also no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the street railways or public highways leading to the said bridge, audit shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post roads in the United States; and equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph and telephone companies, romi megmpu. and the United States shall have the right of way across said bridge and its approaches for postal telegraph purposes. Sec. 6. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction of ¤·>mm¤¤¤•>m¤¤¢ and the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and °°""1°“°“‘ completed within three years irom the date thereof Sec. 7. That this act shall take eifect and be in force from and after Amendment. cwits passage; and the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved. ‘ Approved, May 23, 1892. CHAP. 77.-An act to provide for a term of the United States circuit and dis. muy2z:, rss2. ttict courts at Evanston, Wyoming. —---·—·r···*··— Be it enacted by the Senate and House og Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter, and until other- d,*V{·>;¤>*¤¤s .i··<¤*¢i=¤ wise provided by law, there shall be held annually, on the first Monday "` ° ` in Julya term of the circuit and district courts for the district of Wyoming at the town of Evanston, in said district, said term to be in mmm nvmetn. _ addition to the terms now required by law to be held at the city of Cheyenne, in said district. Sec. 2. That the marshal and clerk of said district shall each, re- Deputy-mamhaland spectively, appoint at least one deputy, to reside in said town of Evans- °l°‘°" ton, unless he himself shall reside there, and he shall also maintain an otiice at that place. Sec. 3. That the judge of the United States circuit or district court Spsvinl ¤>¤¤¤ for said district may, by order, from time to time, appoint and hold special terms of said courts in said district, whenever the interest of the public and the condition of the docket shall so require. Approved, May 23, 1892. CHAP. 78.-An act to vacate that art of Madison street, Georgetown, west or Mayes 1801 Back street, and extend Y street in Burlleith, in the District of Columbia. ——~·-···-‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the _1>amm or comm District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed *"'·