Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/63

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36 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 72. 1892. W¤r D¤1>•¤¤¤¤¤*· WAR DEPARTMENT. S¤¤¤¤¤¤ry· STATIONERY: For stationery for the War Department (Record and Pension Division), ten thousand dollars. Mmhl “¤“’°· °*°· AE1•11·*1o1AL L non: s: For furnishing artificial limbs and apparatus, or commutation therefor, and transportation, two hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. R¤b¤1J1¤¤ B¤¤¤¤i¤ OFFIGE OF PUBLICATION OF Bmcomis or THE BEBELLION: For mfgbmum of- an. the preparation of a general card index of the books, muster rolls, or-

    • •¤· ders, and other official papers preserved in the Confederate archives

office, and for the employment of such temporary expert services in connection therewith as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of War, such experts to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of War, from time to time as the necessity therefor arises, fourteen thousand six hundred dollars, to continue available until expended. nmmmpwmmu. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. gwllmiwm- ELEVEN2m omwsus: For salaries and· necessary expenses for continuing the work of compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, one hundred thousand dollars, to be available until expended. dgepmms or Jus DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. (H-yk\i¤¤¤w0¤¤*¤f For covering alleyway adjoining Department of Justice building for ""' use of the Court of Claims, including flooring, glass, and metallic roof, front and rearwalls, or sash, steam heat, party wall, painting, set ot cases full length of the room, and cutting door-way, to be done under the supervision of the Architect of the Capitol, four thousand dollars. ‘{#§*§_‘§§°_$“}‘,$,'g‘}‘*'· Umrnn sruns oouxrsz For fees of witnesses, one hundred and nfty thousand dollars. m;::-omw Dawn- POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Out of the Postal Revenues. xavmamg. For advertising, fifteen thousand dollars. sum me umm or SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Representatives. imirrphuq fevg msi For the expenses of the typhus fever and immigration investi ation g,§‘,{§Y‘"°“ "'to be made by the Senate Committee on Immigration and the Rouse Select Committee on Immigration and Naturalization under concurrent resolution of the Senate and House, four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to be advanced or paid, in sums as needed by the Secretary of the Senate, on the joint orders of the chairmen of said committees. Senate. SENATE. snmum, nc. For stationery and newspapers, five hundred dollars nvaepeam sec. For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, including compensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as may be iixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, but not exceeding one dollar and twenty-nve cents per printed page, ten thousand dollars. ner sm. For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising for the heating apparatus, two thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars.