Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/572

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546 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 199. 1893. For forty-one, at four hundred and fifty dollars each; For sixty-one, at four hundred and twenty-five dollars each; For sixty-four, at four hundred dollars each; in all, six hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars. zgmm, Provided, That in assigning salaries to teachers, no discrimination I""”““""“*“““°"· shall be made between male and female teachers employed in the same grade of school, and performing a like class of duties. ssgnescuous. For teachers of night schools, who may also be teachers in the day schools, six thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of night schools, five hundred dollars. ·¥¤¤i¤>¤•- Fon Jmrrons Ann Gun or Burnnmos AND Gnomvns: For care of the high school building of the first six divisions, two thousand dollars; of the Jeferson building, one thousand four hundred dollars; of the Eastern high school building of the first six divisions, and of the high-school building of the seventh and eight divisions, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; of the Stevens and Franklin buildings, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; of the Peabody, Force, Seaton, Henry, Webster, Gales, Wallach, Garnett, Sumner, Grant, Curtis, and Dennison buildings, at nine hundred dollars each; of the Lincoln and Mott buildings, at eight hundred dollars each; of the Abbott, John F. Cook, Randall, and Berrett buildings, at seven hundred dollars each; of the Amidon, Addison, Cranch, Morse, Brent, Bannaker, Blair, Wormley, Anthony Bowen, Maury, Weightman, Bradley, Blake, Carberry, Giddin gs, Towers, Magruder, Phelps, Twining, Smallwood, Adams, Jones, Arthur, Corcoran, Briggs, Lenox, Bell, McCormick, Madison, Jackson, Monroe, Garrison, Ambush, Phillips, Slater, Logan, Tyler, Van Buren, Harrison, Polk, Wilson, and Taylor buildings, forty-two in all, at five hundred dollars each; of the Fillmore building for nine months, three hundred and seventy-five dollars; of the Hillsdale, Anacostia, Thompson, and Lovejoy buildings, at two hundred and fifty dollars each; of the Mount Pleasant, Potomac, Greenleat Hamilton Road, High Street, Birney, Bennings (white), Bennings (colored), Threlkeld, Brightwood, Tennallytown, and Brookland buildings, at one hundred and sixty-five dollars each; for care of smaller buildings and rented rooms, including cooking and manual training schools, wherever located, at a rate not to exceed forty-eight dollars per annum for the care of each schoolroom, four thousand one hundred and sevety-six dollars; in all, fifty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one dollars. ima. For rent of school buildings, and repair shop, ten thousand dollars. new". For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, twenty-six thousand dollars. T00ls,¢t¤. For the purchase of tools, machinery, material, and apparatus, to be gse? in connection with instruction in manual training, eight thousand ol ars. run. For fuel, thirty thousand dollars. rumnm. d Sor furniture for new school buildings, two thousand eight hundred o ars. ¤¤¤¤¤:·’¤¤•>¤v•>¤¤*>·· For contingent expenses, including furniture, books. stationery, printing, insurance, and other necessary items, thirty thousand dollars. Free school books, For text-books and school supplies for use of pupils of the nrst eight °°°‘ grades, who at the time are not supplied with the same, to be distributed by the superintendent of public schools under regulations to be made by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and for necessary expenses of the purchase, distribution, and preservation of said textbooks and supplies, forty-eight thousand dollars nqaimugstgoe tgbe That hereafter the public school buildings of the District of Columbia, §c",f‘w,,$,§,,;’0s;f“" shall be used for no purposes whatever other than those directly connected with the public school system of the District. nnucuugs. For one eight-room building and site in the third school division, northeast, thirty-nine thousand dollars. For one eight-room building in eighth scool division, to relieve Garnett School, twenty-eight thousand dollars.