Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/563

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 197,199. 1893. 537 it involved in such controversy or doubt shall be paid into the registry P¤Ym¤¤t iw ¤<>¤¤- of the court, and upon the presentation of a duly certified copy of such order to the Treasurer of the United States he shall, when the necessary money is appropriated, pay the amount therein mentioned to the clerk of said court; and the claims of the respective parties thereto shall _ Hearing <>fconwud— thereupon beheard and decided by the court as in interpleader suits in mg °l"“"'“‘ °°°‘ equity, under such general rules as may be prescribed by said court in general term. Sec. 17. That said court, in special term as aforesaid, may certify to Questions or lay said court in general term for decision there in the first instance any ;‘§',T§i§fi,€}‘f,,_°°““ m question of law that shall arise during any proceeding in said court in special term under this act. Any party aggrieved by the nnal order or decree of said court in special term fixing the amount of damages or the assessment for benefits as to any parcel of land may take an appeal Appeals. therefrom to said court in general term, and shall be entitled to a bill of exceptions as in civil cases, triable by jury in said court, and said court in general term may aihrm, reverse, or modify the order or decree appealed from: Provided, That said court in general term shall consider Prvvmonly questions of law arising on such appeal. From a final decree of Limitation. said court in special term under this act distributing the damages among contending claimants any party aggrieved may in like manner take an appeal to the court in general term, which in such cases shall consider both questions of law and of fact. Any appeal under this act shall be taken within twenty days after the making of the nnal order or decree appealed from, and not afterwards, and shall be subject to existing laws and rules of court regulating appeals to said court in general term. Cases arising under this act shall have precedence over all other business in said court in special term, and shall have precedence in said court in general term over all other cases except criminal cases, and the decision of said court in general term upon any question Final decision. arising under this act shall be final. Sec. 18. That whenever any iinal decree shall have been made by f P¤?g¤i<>¤ tvbc ¤¤- said court under the provisions of this act for the payment of the dam- °r°° y pr°°°"‘ ages to the parties or into the registry of the court and when the money has been appropriated and paid the Commissioners shall be entitled to take immediate possession of the parcel of land in regard to which said order of payment shall have been made, and the court shall enforce such right of possession by proper order and by process addressed to . the marshal of the United States for the District of Columbia. In case In_certain easesprm the court shall enter judgment of condemnation in any case, and ap· fj¤°§‘§§_,,.}Q"’°“ “"‘ propriation is not made by Congress for the payment of such award within the period of six months, Congress being in session for that time after such award or for the period of six months after the meeting of the next session of Congress, the proceedings shall be void, and the land shall revert to the owners. Sec. 19. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall m]jQ¥;‘;"°b’;“dD,g{r§;; include in their annual report a full statement of their action under Commissioners. this act, and shall submit annual estimates of the expenditures necessary to be made under its provisions. as other estimates are submitted. Approved, March 2, 1893. CHAP. 199.-An act making appropriations for the expenses of the government Mamh 9- 1893- of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtietli, eighteen hun- `“'j`—_`_ dred and ninety-four, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That the half of the ibllowing b,f;°“§° r‘;§tfj;;“'¤· sums named, respectively, is hereby appropriated, out of any money noir? gun nmiios IH the TI‘€3SI1ry not otherwise appropriated, and the other half Out of '°"““"‘ the revenues of the District of Columbia, for the purposes following,