Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/56

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 65-67. 1892. 29 trial or proceedings authorized by the rules and regulations of the police force. Sec. 2. That any willful and corrupt false swearing on the part of rsmny rm raise any witness or person making deposition before any trial board men- “"°°“"”8· tioned in the preceding section as to any material fact in any proceedings, under the rules and regulations governing said police force, shall be deemed perjury, and shall be punished in the manner prescribed by law for such offense. Sec. 3. That if any witness, having been first personally summoned, wP5¤¢¤¤ www M shall neglect or refuse to appear before any trial board mentioned in " °°°'°‘ the first section of this act, then, on the fact being reported by the major and superintendent of police to one of the justices of the police court, it shall be the duty of that court to compel the attendance of such witness before such trial board in the same manner as witnesses are now compellable to appear before said court: Provided, That wit- {revisenesses subpfnnaed to appear before said trial boards, other than those V""°“ "°"“‘ employed by the District of Columbia, shall be entitled to the same fees as are now paid witnesses for attendance before the Supreme court of the District of Columbia. Approved, May 11, 1892. CHAP. 66.-An act to establish sub—ports of entry and delivery at Superior, Wis- MW U- lmconsin, and at Ashland, Wisconsin, in the Superior collection district of Michigan and Wisconsin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and are hereby, d,§*g;>*l¤*M9¤ll¤¤¤¤¤{; established two sub-ports of entry in the Superior collection district of wa. ° ’ ”° ‘ °” Michigan and Wisconsin, namely, one at Superior, Wisconsin, and one S“"P°’”° °*°°"Y· at Ashland, Wisconsin. Approved, May 11, 1892. CHAP. 67.-An act to amend nn act entitled "An act to incorporate the National M"?` u·1e°2· Union Insurance Company, of \Vashington," approved February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixtydive. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled “An act ,,,§‘§;’;*:* }T,'j;;‘mf;· to incorporate the National Union Insurance Company, of Washing- n. c.‘ ton,” approved February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, $',§{‘T{§f,‘§f‘Q‘g‘§f'“°‘ be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows: A First. In section two, and the first paragraph thereof, cancel the ,n};‘;*;m’°‘*"'€°‘°” word “nine” before **directors" and in place thereof insert the words ` “n<:;; less than nine nor more than fifteen," so that said section two will FB2 1 . . . ‘*S1¤;c. 2. That the atiairs of the company shall be managed by not m°°"°"°m"°°t°”' less than nine nor more than fifteen directors, to be elected annually by ballot on the second Monday of July by Ulfé SfoUk}l0}d€i‘S O1` by u10i!` Wm' legally empowered agents; and each share of stock shall entitle the M _ holder thereof to one vote; the election to be held at the office of the °°°mg°' company at a general meeting of the stockholders convened for that purpose, by ten days’ public notice in two or more of the daily papers ’_ of the city of Washington: Provided, That the first election for direc- f·’{,E'§,'f;;,,,,,,,,,_ tors shall be held pursuant to ten days’ notice given in one or more of the daily papers of the city of Washington by the persons named in the first section of this act, or any five of them, who shall designate the time when and the place where said election shall be held; and the stockhnldcrs shall then and there elect nine directors to serve until the next E, t. f I sb ensuing election as provided for in this act. And at the first ensuing deutéc m ° P ° meeting of the directors after every election they shall appoint one of