Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/53

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26 FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 60, 61. 1892. order that he 'be deported irom the United States as hereinbefore provided, unless he shall establish clearly to the satisfaction of said Judge, that by reason of accident, sickness or other unavoidable cause, he has been unable to procure his certificate, and the satisfaction of the court, and by at least one credible white witness, that he was a resident of the United States at the time of the passage of this act; and if upon the hearing, it shall appear that he is so entitled to a certificate, it shall be granted upon his paying the cost. Should it appear DM www- that said Chinaman had procured a certificate wh1ch has been lost or destroyed, he shaH be detained. and judgment suspended a reasonable time to enable him to procure a duplicate from the officer granting it and in such cases, the cost of said arrest and trial shall be in the dis; cretion of the court. And any Chinese person other than a Chinese Certincntes m per- laborer, having a right to be and remain in the United States, desiring ’°" "°"“b°'°"‘ such certificate as evidence of such right may apply for and receive the same without charge. seuenryner me Sec. 7. That immediately after the passage of this act, the Secretary

,’{§§,‘Qf’ '“’ ° of the Treasury shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary for fthe eiiic1ent execution of this acts, aiid shall prescribe the

necessary orms and furnish the necessary lan ·s to enable collectors of internal revenue to issue the certiiicates required hereby, and make such provisions that certificates may be procured in localities convenemma or was- ient to the applicants, such certificates shall be issued without charge °“*°”· to the applicant, and shall contain the name, age, local residence and occupation of the applicant, and such other description of the applicant as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury,_and a duplicate thereof shall be liled in the office of the collector of internal revenue for the district within which such Chinaman makes application. Pongzrcgwtwwg Sec. 8. That any person who shall knowingly and falsely alter or °°'"° substitute any name for the name written in such certuicate or forge grlich ce{;1lti;:a;>,1o}3·Bk‘:I1I•:wingLy)utter any forgeid or fi·au¢‘l'311le ii$t;:e, false r a y per n msuc ca s y of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall né lined ing sum not exceeding one thousand doHars or imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term of not more than five years. F¤¤¤¢·>r services- Sec. 9. The Secretary of the Treasury may authorize the payment of such compensationmthe nature of fees to the collectors of internal reve- I v nue, for_serv1ces performed under the provisions of this act in addition Lumt. salaries now allowed by law, as he shall deem necessary, not exceeding the sum of one dollar for each certificate issued. Approved, May 5, 1892. M _ 9, 1802. GHA.'P.61.—A . ta th if tl L hand ‘ - —-‘i’-—-- 8..., t., ark amt2i all ..‘§SiQ.1‘€. 23.. i1E1$'LY.'I¢‘.T.a ·i·J2?.'iE€ §?.‘t‘§$l§’.€1.%§‘.§'g‘., t312.’2‘}‘3lé¤.°.$§ il?.€é‘»1‘.£'§.1‘.f}i"Z‘§§i??.*Q£.“K?$h£’£I{*§I’.%`Z£ °t2“¥f.‘{“ “"".i‘3'°" "°""""’ gross approved July twenty-iilith, eighteen hundred ancfnihetylle, an y act of com Be it enacted by the Senate and House oRe re t f the U ’ d Pl£.:3}+$Jn]::r;tBra‘pg2 ISM tis of America in Congress assembled, Tlllatspnerzidggloqrf jbg, asfés 00,,,,,,,,). may ,,,,,1,,, ere y, granted to the Leavenworth and Platte County Bridge Com-

i£1{;¤ Rvpvgydegg ME; pany, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the

gipxrgnsgbqréha tate of Kansas, to sell, transfer, and assign to the Leavenworth Ter-

·*·····=··e·“ ££“£}..§“1R’.§‘.€fL”€¤$L’i§§?g°.‘€°€E§“§%';t2°3F‘i2'““°“ "€"’°'g“‘“’°“““3

_ _ s ansas 1 s successors a v I 25 assigns, all of the rights and franchises granted to the said Leavenworlth 0 . ,pp.m1, ssa. Cognty Bridge Company by an act of Congress entitled Riv’Lft.§i»3$ §.”§'$£‘-°.?°£Z§‘32““‘°‘1{’£ "' °E."g‘逑°tf.°“? iii M‘““°“" _ , nwo m e a s s Platte County, in the State of Missouri,;’ approved Fehruaryltiwedtyl fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and by an act of Congress entitled An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the