Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/515

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 169. 1893. 489 the cost of such transportation by said railroad or said company whenever such transportation shall extend from one State into another, or shall extend into more than one State: Provided, however, That the Mmmumrates of such transportation of passengers, local or interstate, shall not exceed the rates above expressed: And provided jvrther, That said Mins. railroad company shall carry the mail at such prices as Congress may by law provide, and until such rate is fixed by law, the Postmaster- General may fix the rate of compensation. Sec. 5. That said railroad company shall pay to the Secretary of the gdditivtgglecomren- Interior, for the benefit of the particular nations or tribes through W °" °° °' whose lands said line may be located, the sum of fifty dollars, in addition to compensation provided for in this act, for property taken and damages done to individual occupants by the construction of the railroad for each mile of railroad that it may construct in said Territory, said payment to be made in installments of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars as each working section of twenty-five miles of road is graded: Provided, That if the general council of either of the nations Pr<w¤~- or tribes through whose land said railroad may be located shall, within w;};';? W ¤°”°’“* four months after the filing of the maps of definite location, as set forth ` in section six of this act, dissent from the allowances provided for in this section, and shall certify the same to the Secretary of the Interior, then all compensation to be paid to such dissenting nation or tribe under the provisions of this act shall be determined as provided in section three for the determination of the compensation to be paid to the individual occupants of lands, with the right of appeal to the courts upon the same conditions, terms, and requirements as therein provided: Provided further, That the amount awarded or adjudged to be paid by dm “°° said railroad company for said dissenting nation or tribe shall be in lieu of the compensation that said nation r tribe would be entitled to receive under the foregoing provisions. Said company shall also pay, so long as said Territory is owned or occupied by the Indians, to the Secretary of the Interior the sum of fifteen dollars per annum for each A¤¤¤¤l fmel mile of railroad it shall construct in the said Territory. The money paid to the Secretary of the Interior under the provisions of this act _ sh all be apportioned by him in accordance with the laws and treaties A¥’P°"'°“"‘°“*· now in force among the different nations and tribes according to the number of miles of railroad that may be constructed by said railroad company through their lands: Provided, That Congress shall have the T=¤¤¤¤i¤¤· right, as long as said lands are occupied and possessed by said nation or tribe, to impose such additional taxes upon said railroad as it may deem just and proper for their benefit; and any Territory or State hereafter formed through which said railroad shall have been established may exercise the like power as to such part of said railroad as may be within its limits. Said railroad Company shall have the right S¤rv¢y.¤*¢· to survey and locate its railroad immediately after the passage of this act. Sec. 6. That said Company shall cause maps showing the route of M=¤r»¤f·¤\»¤¤1¤<1- its located line through said Territory to be tiled in the office of the Secretary of the I ntcrior, and also to be tiled in the office of the principal chief of each of the nations or tribes through whose lands said railroad may be located, and atter tiling said maps no claim for a subsequent settlement and improvement upon the right of way shown by said maps shall be valid as against said company: Provided, That when amap Patna. showing any portion of said railroad company’s located line is filed as mg¤f::!s*° ***5** °° herein provided for, said company shall commence grading said located g P ` line within one year thereafter, or said location shall be void; and said location shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, in sections gf twenty-tive miles, before construction of any such section shall be egun. Sec. 7. That the officers, servants, and employees of said company, m}‘Q'j,¤:'§lZ°;{ jj;';." necessary to the construction and management of said road, shall be g y' allowed to reside, while so engaged, upon said right of way, but subject