Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/511

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 168. 1893. 485 For all contingent expenses of the Army not provided for by other Contingent expenses. estimates, and embracing all branches of the military service, to be expended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, fifteen thousand dollars. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Mgdiga] DgPartm¤¤t_ Medical and Hospital Department; For the purchase of medical and S¤r1>li¤¤»¤t¤- hospital supplies, including disinfectants for general post sanitation, expenses of medical purveying depots, pay of employees, medical care and treatment of officers and enlisted men of the Army and Signal Corps on duty at posts and stations for which no other provision is made, for the proper care and treatment of cases in the Army suffering from contagious and epidemic diseases, and the supply of the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arknansas, advertising, and other Hot Springs, Air. miscellaneous expenses of the Medical Department, one hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars: and not over forty thousand dollars of the money appropriated by this paragraph shall be applied to the pay- Civillim ¤¤¤rl¤y•>¤¤- ment of civilian employees of the Medical Department: Provided, Prrwrlvv- That hereafter so much of section thirty-seven hundred and nine, Re- ££;,i;é37§’;gj vised Statutes, as requires advertisment before purchase shall not cinema. apply to the purchase of medicines and medical supplies. For the purchase of needful material to be used in the art of teach- _ Hospital cms ¤·>¤k· ing cookery to the enlisted men in the two compnies of the Hospital "‘g°° °°l‘ Corps, five hundred dollars. Medical Museum and Library: For Army Medical Museum, preser- M¤<1i¤~1Mw¤¤¤¤¤- vation of specimens, and the preparation and purchase of new specimens, five thousand dollars; for the library of the Surgeon-General’s l·i**¤¤’· Oifice, seven thousand dollars. ‘ In all, twelve thousand dollars. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Eugiuggr pepe,-g. ment. Engineer depot at Willets Point, New York: Incidental expenses ot I¤¢l**¤¤*¤l·>¤P=¤¤•>¤- the depot, including fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, hardware; extraduty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly in line of their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draitsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine-drivers, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; repairs of and for materials to repair public buildings, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, four thousand dollars. For purchase of materials for the instruction of engineer troops at Material. Willets Point in their special duties as sappers and miners, for land and submarine mines, and pontoneers, torpedo drill, and signaling, thirty-five hundred dollars. For purchase and repair of instruments to be issued to officers of the Instruments. Corps of Engineers and to officers detailed and on duty as acting engineer officers for use on public works and surveys, three thousand dollars. Library of the Engineer School of Application: Purchase and bind- noon. ing of professional works of recent date treating of military and civil engineering and kindred scientific subjects, five hundred dollars; In all, eleven thousand dollars. Ordnance Depart oRDNANcE DEPARTMENT. msn:. Ordnance service: For current expenses of the ordnance service Cumm°xP°um` required to defray the current expenses at the arsenals; of receiving stores and issuing arms and other ordnance supplies; of police and office duties; of rents, tools, fuel, and lights; of stationery and office furniture; of tools and instruments for use; incidental expenses of the