Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/482

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456 FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 118-120. 1893. F¤b1’¤¤fy 15. 189% CHAP. 118,-Au act to authorize the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company to ’_—‘"" renew its railroad bridge across the Biv Sandy River, upon such plans and location as may be approved by the Secretary ol? War. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 0l$1;¢¤ggn95¤ gm] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Chesapeake and EQ., ,,,.,y°{.,,.`Z,"$,Z Ohio Railway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the

 R,Q§;,?°g, 9,} States of Virginia and West Virginia, and now existing there1n,_ be,

'and it is hereby, authorized to renew and operate its railroad bridge across the Big Sandy River near the site of its present bridge, upon such location and plans as may be approved by the Secretary of War: Promo- Provided, however, That the said bridge shall be so constructed as to ,,,i,°f,,’§§’;,'}Y,,Y,; of °° cause the least obstruction to the navigation of the said river, and upon plans to be approved by the Secretary of War. Amendment ew- Sec. 2. That the right to alter or repeal this act is hereby expressly . reserved. Approved, February 15, 1893. February 15.1893. CH3?. 119.-An act for relief of certain settlers on public land in the Tucson —··i···—· land district in Arizona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all persons having filed Ebhggfskc sw for or entered lands within the Tucson land district in Arizona who nmmtr excess at shall prove to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the Tucs‘j‘;“m'f"“ ‘*‘ T“‘* son land omce and the Commissioner of the General Land Omoe that ' he has paid any money in iees, commissions, or for the land more than once, or where he has paid double minimum price for land after it was proclaimed for purchase at single minimum by the General Land Omoo, that such excess so paid shall be repaid to the person who so paid the same, or to his heirs or personal representative. d£_:¤*¤·¢i¤¤ ¤f Sec. 2. That it shall be the duly of such register and receiver to ` hear the proofs in such cases and make report thereof and their decision thereon to the Commissioner of the General Land Omce, who, on receipt of same, and upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, shall transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury the names of the beneficiaries, and the amount due each, and the Secretary of the Appropriation- Treasury is authorized and directed to pay the same out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 15, 1893. CHAP. 12 .— n act rantin right of w t h olor iv r ra ' jgwgg.-EE; Company throgighllhe Yuiiia Indigo Rliservatiorllin Cnlliigorgia. ado R 6 I ng tum Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

’;·l<K;dg§{:°;:*:*· States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby granted

gmmi rags: of wu; unto the Colorado River Irrigation Company, incorporated under the }gj;'€‘;§,*;j`}f,‘j,f*’,j¥“{f’d*“” laws of the State of Colorado, its successors and assigns, a right of way for an irrigating canal through the Yuma Indian Reservation in California to the extent of the ground occupied by the water of the canal and its adits and laterals, and fifty feet on each side of the marginal limits thereoi beginning at a point near where the northeast boundary line of the said reservation joins the Colorado River and running thence south and west through the said reservation to and Smemv 0, ,,,0 Im beyond the limits thereof. The plats of the ditches of said company tcricr to hpprovo through said reservation shall be subject to the approval of the Secre-

  • ’“‘°”’°"" tary of the Interior, and such ditches shall be so located, or the rights

of way herein granted so used, as to not in any way interfere with any