Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/447

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FIFTYSECON D CON GRESS, Sess. Il. Gus. 41-43. 1893. 42] CHAP. 41.-An act to amend the proviso to be found in connection with the free- January 23, 1893. delivery service, page five hundred and sixty-nine, twenty-fourth volume, Statute at T`;- argc. Be it enacted In; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That the proviso in chapter _ Mniimesmbunathree hundred and eighty-eight, act of March third, eighteen hundred "‘€·"j;,_2, ,,_56,_ and eighty-seven, is amended to read as follows: ` “Provided, That no boxes for the collection of mail matter by car- Prvviw- _ riers shall be placed inside of any building except a public building, or ,,,£°‘°° f" ""1 ""*’ a building which is freely open to the public during businesshours, ora railroad station, and that the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to declare by official order that the chutes con- 01¤¤¤¤¤ may be de neeted with mail boxes that are attached to any chute or device which °l"°d Pm °f °°’°" may be approved by him are a part of said receiving boxes and under the exclusive care and custody of the Post-Office Department." Approved, J anuary 23, 1893. CHAP. 42.-An act to remit the penalties on the light-house steamer Pansy. January 23,1sm. Be it enacted by tLe—Senate and House of Representatives of the United `States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Bdtd. ummm at Treasury is hereby authorized and required to pay to Baird, Houston °°‘ and Company, or their assignee, the sum of one thousand two hundred ,P¤y¤¤m w. rom}-- and fifty dollars, out of any money in the Treasurynot otherwise appro- Z.Y'{$:i°·P1$°$l.t§?$ priated, that being the amount of time penalties imposed on the aforesaid iirm under their contract for building the light-house steamer Pansy. Approved, January 23, 1893. CHAP. 43.-—An act to authorize the Secretary of War to convey to school dis- January 23,189:1. trict, numbered twelve, of Kittery, Maine, a portion of Fort McClary military reser· ——-——————— · vation, in exchange for other land. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, rm M¤cnu·y,m. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to convey, by proper deed, to roam or reservv school district numbered twelve, of Kittery, Maine, for school purposes, $}.’,l_“‘}§;’°,§;§",}mff {Q: all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the tbl- i¤»•·¤¤- lowing described part of the military reservation of Fort McClary, Maine: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of the new road from nsmiptioa. Portsmouth through the said military reservation two hundred and tive feet from the intersection of the said new road with the westerly boundary line of said military reservation, and running thence in a northwesterly direction, at right angles to the said new road, one hundred and ninety- five feet, more or less, to the westerly boundary line of said military reservation; thence along said westerly boundary line in a northerly direction eighty-two and one-half feet, more or less, to high-water line of Batters reek; thence along high-water line of Barters Creek, in a northeasterly direction, seventeen feet, more or less, to a point at right angles to the said new road at a point seventy-tive feet from the place of beginning; thence in a southeastcrly direction, at right angles to the said new road, two hundred and forty-seven feet, more or less, to a point on the westerly side of the said new road seventy-five feet from the place of beginning; thence along the westerly side of said new road, in the south- WGSWPIY direction, seventy-tive feet to the place of beginning; in ex- ,¤T;<;b*{}m°° °°"°Y°•* change for a certain lot of ground about sixty-four feet by sixty-two feet "' in size, situated on the north side of the line of the old road from Portsmouth, within the limits of the said Fort McClary military reservation,