Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/401

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374 FIFTY-SECOND concnnss. ssss. 1. cu. eso. 1892. num. Arsenal. BENICIA ABSENAL, BENIUIA, OAL1Fo1zN1A: For purchase and erec- °‘“· tion of one gas machine, two thousand dollars; For purchase and erection of one smokestack, for use of steam pump, for pumping water from well to reservoir, fifty dollars; in all, two thousand and fifty dollars. columns, rm Co1.ummA Ansniur., COLUMBIA TENNEB at : For constructing and completing fence around susenal grounds, and for h·ont gate, ten thousand dollars, and one thousand five hundred dollars for improving grounds; in all, eleven thousand ilve hundred dollars. mmmmm. I•‘BANK1··onD ARSENAL, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: For ma- P" ghines for manufacture of lleld artillery ammunition, five thousand r 0].1318 ——. • s_§f_;¤r1é° 1g¤5>¤¤·1. SANEY Hoox Pnovma GBouNn, NEW J EnsEY: For repairs to wharf y k' ‘ ‘ and crane on same, four thousand dollars; For one steam capstan, five hundred dollars; in all, four thousand tive hundred dollars. sP?!¤8£¤m·1hss. SPRING-FIELD Ansmux., S1>1mm1=·rELD, MASSACHUSETTS: For repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery not used for manutacimring purposes, ten thousand dollars. rum.; mmm, TESTING mcnmn, WATERTOWN AnsENA1.: For labor and material w'"'""' in caring for, preserving, and operating the United States testing machine at Watertown Arsenal, including new tool and appliances, ten thousand dollars. Iwrmnuamau WATEBVLIET Ansnmu., Wnsr Tnor, Nnw Yom:: For paving roads ' ‘ in arsenal grounds with granite blocks, five thousand dollars; For new iron wagon bridge, five thousand dollars; in all, ten thousand dollars. Rnrnin- REPAIRS or Aizsmuns: To meet such unforeseen expenditures at arsenals asaccidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, fifty thousand dollars. _ Gnsanagg. mu Burnnnwcs Arm Gnomms IN Ann Anomm WAsnmc··roN. rmpsmmm an a For the improvement and care of public grounds, as follows: °°'°· For improvement of grounds north of Executive Mansion, one thousand dollars. For improvement and maintenance of gronmds south of the Executive Mansion, four thousand dollars. For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, two thousand dollars. For ordinary care of afayette Square, one thousand dollars. For ordinary care of Franklin Square, one thousand dollars. For care and improvement of Monument grounds, two thousand live hundred dollars. - For continuing improvement of reservation numbered seventeen and rgmuo. site of old canal northwest of same, five thousand dollars: Provided, °"’"“"*°“· That no part thereof shall be expended upon other than property belonging to the United States. For construction and repair of post-and-chain fences and constructing stone coping around reservations, one thousand dollars. For manure and hauling the same, ive thousand dollars.~ For painting watchmen’s lodges, iron fences, vases, lamps, and lampposts, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For purchase and repair of seats, one thousand dollars. For purchase and repair of tools, two thousand dollars. For trees, tree and plant stakes, labels, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, two thousand dollars. For removing snow and ice, one thousand two hundred dollars. For ilowerpots, twine, caskets, wire, splints, moss, and lycopodinm, one thousand dollars. For care, construction, and repair of fountains, one thousand five hundred dollars. For abating nuisances, five hundred dollars.