Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/395

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368 FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 380. 1892. resolution of April twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, ordering an investigation and report by the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the sanitary condition of the Senate Chamber and other rts of the Ca itol. cqn¤»1g¤»¤n.. Pa]MPR0V]NG gmc CA1>rroL GBOUNDS: For continuing the work of the improvement of the Capitol Grounds and for care of the grounds, one clerk, and the pay of mechanics, gardeners, and laborers, and for artiiicial stone pavement, fifteen thousand dollars. cre;-mes. CAPITOL TEBEAGES: For extending heating apparatus and for general work in completing terraces, eight thousand dollars. rigning cspaoi Lrcnrmc THE CAPITOL AND GEoUNDs: For lighting the Capitol ‘““ ¥‘°‘“‘ “’ and grounds about the same, including the Botanic Garden, and the Senate and House Stables for gas (png electric lighting; for us; of electric lightin plants in_ enate an ouse wings at not excee ing two hundred dillars per month during the sessions of Congress; pay of superintendent of meters, lamplighters, gas-litters, and for materials and labor for gas and electric lighting, and for general repairs, twenty— four thousand dollars. · mgm house me ENGINE Honsn AND SENATE AND Honsn Snnrnsa For repairs to °*"“°“· engine House and Senate and House Stables, five hundred dollars. Empniymsnu of That no employe of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, or similar $ "°“"" atgeiiltcyghall be iergployetd in any Government service or by any officer o e istrict o 0 um ia. sauorpubiaimna EXPENSES or THE COLLECTION or REVENUE Fx0M SALES OF PUB- Lrc LANDS. smiles, mgnms SA1.AErEs AND COMZMJSSIONS or REGISTEES AND REGEIVEES: For ""'°°°"°"· salaries and commissions of registers of land offices and receivers of public moneys at district land officea at not exceeding three thousand csuumuauus. dollars each, five hundred and nfty ousand dollars. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to consolidate the district land onices where practicable and consistent with the public interlepts. cmmgmupmn CONTINGENT EXPENSES or LAND Orrrcns: For clerk 're, rent ’*“‘° "°*°°" and other incidental expenses of the several land offices, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Dspmungmmep. EXPENSES or DEPOSITING PUBLIC MONEYs: For expenses of depositing money received from the disposal of public lands, six thousand dollars. _Ti¤¤l>¤¤· •1¤1>r¤<1•· DEPREDATIONS ON PUBLIC TIMBER, 1>n0TEcr1NG PUBLIC LANDS, }!£“E;.'Zf.1f'2.T°?‘L'€.}’,Z‘.{"; AND SETTLEMENT or CLAIMS ron swAm> LANDS Arm SWAMP·LAND 1¤¤·l ¤l•*··¤•· {ND3z1uN13•1;_: Tic meet thenexpcnses of protepting timbeié on lthe public an s an or t c more e cient execution o the law an ru es re atin to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or appropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and mdemmty for swamp lands, one hundred and twenty thou· Promo- _ sand dollars: Provided, That agents and others employed under this "“‘*"°” p" d"""' appropriation, shall be allowed per diem, subjectto such rulesand regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each and actual nam from mia necessary expensesfor transportation: Provided further, That the Com- °“‘“°‘ missioner of the General Land Office, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is authorized during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, to detail irom time to time clerks in his office for protecting timber on the public lands, and for the more efficient execution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or appropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands and indemnity for swamp lands, and per diem subject to such rules and restrictions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence of clerks so detailed, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each and actual necessary