Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/33

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6 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 12. 1892. approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Fm Berthoid M- To enable the Secretary of the Interior to cause the lands embraced °§'“°°”‘§; £;“k,,t5,.g_ within the diminished Fort Berthold Reservation, in North Dakota, or V°‘-&P-Im- such portion thereof as may be necessary, to be surveyed for allotment to the Indians of said reservation, as provided in article three of the agreement with said Indians of December fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and ratified by act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. mg;:·¤¤=·y ¤>¤1>¤¢*» mnnxsunr nnrnrumur. mmm nemm. For paper for internal revenue stamps, height, and salary of super- ,,,¥"°' f" ““""'· iutendent, messenger, and watchman, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, ten thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ T¤¤¤1>¤r¤¤z ¤i1v¤r For transportation of silver coin, including fractional silver com by °°$`.;;_ gm,tered mail or otherwise, nscal year eighteen hundred and ninety- ¤¤.1>· mgm . . . two, five thousand dollars, to be expended under the same hmitations provided for the appropriation for this purpose for said iiscal year. 1,:{;¤¤¤¤1 Z<¤>1¤zi¤·1 NATIONAL zoonooron. rmx. sebum of mi. For care and subsistence of animals for the National Zoological Park, “'*‘*- fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, one thousand dollars, onehalf of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Oolumbia, and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. Fi¤1¤¤¤¤¤mi¤¤i<>¤- FISH ooMM1ss1oN. mmme mum. Green Lake Station, Maine: For payment of outstanding bills, pur- ¥°‘ chase of lands and rights, completing ponds, repairs to quarters, and igrscistems, pump, and well, two thousand one hundred and fifty dol- ,,£j=»¤*¤¤¢¤* ¤*` ·T¤¤· · nnrutrmrzur or Jusrrcn. mmm depredation For salaries and expenses in defense of the Indian depredation claims, °'“*"’° °‘P°“°°'· fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, ten thousand dollars. ,_°{,{°P¤**¤¤¤¤° °* Ls nniuarnmm or Luzon. spam rpm- W For per diem in lieu of subsistence of special agents while traveling '”°‘“· °°"· on duty outside of the District of Columbia, at a rate not to exceed three dollars per day, and for their transportation, and for expenses of oflicers and employes, as made necessary by services rendered the Senate Committee 011 nuance, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety- two, ten thousand dollars. m§°§;§,;g{,,*Q1g*§{¤°° nohnn or oanrcmon Arm roarmicxrrroiw. ms;Ii:r»y,c1v111»¤ To paythe salary of the civilian member of the Board of Ordnance ‘ and Fortiiication for the liscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, tive thousand dollars. S¤¤¤*•»- sauna;. dgggsw ¤f i¤•1¤i- _ For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, including compensation to stenographers to committees, iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety~two, ten thousand dollars. Approved, March 8, 1892.