Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/323

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296 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 311. 1892. forty-eight thousand two hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-two cents. P¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤- COMPENSATION 1*0 POSTMASTEBSS For amounts to reimburse the postal revenues of the fiscal years eighteen hundred and ninety and eighteen hundred andninety-one, being the amount retained by postmasters in excess of the appropriations (ascertained and estimated), asfollows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-one, five hundred and seventy- eight thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and forty-one cents. For eighteen hundred and ninety, thirty-one thousand five hundred forty-nine dollars and forty-nine cents. 1·¤k¤ V¤¤¤=¤¤¤· To pay the amount certilied by the Auditor of the Treasury for the P°"°°°"°' Post-Office Department to be due Luke Voorhees, late contractor on mail route numbered thirty-fave thousand and forty, Fargo to Pembina, Dakota, contract term ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, for the period from April first, eighteen hundred and eighty- one, to July thirty-tirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, nine thousand three hundred and fifty-six dollars and thirty-seven cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ri£i°}°:¤?“¢¤¢ ag- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. _B¤¤¤i¤•¤i¤v••*·*¤•- Bonmcn. mvasmearrous AND mxrnnimmzrs: For vegetable "°°·;,?;¤Sp¤me¤¤. pathological investigations and experiments: To pay the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for transportation, May sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, eighty- six dollars. rqmacgsen umu- Pomonoaroar. INFORMATION: To reappropriate and make available '”“,,§,‘f";,,, S,,,m.,,,._ for the payment of balance due on two draits made by Eugene Schuy- Pzymenvtsgi ler, late agent and consul-general of the United States at Cairo, Egypt, V E'"' ‘ under date of May first and June thirtieth eighteen hundred and ninety, for expenses incurred in purchasing and shipping to the Department of Agriculture date trees and onions from Egypt, the sum of three hundred and four dollars and seventy-nine cents, which was appropriated by act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and inadvertently made payable to the estate of Eugene Schuyler. ma-invgmgsunne Fmmz mvrzsrmarroxsz To reimburse B. F. Fuller, disbursin g '“'“""""°"’· clerk, for amount paid to Hcm·y L. Thomas for translating articles on the cultivation of flax, as follows: Five dollars and twenty-fivc cents paid December twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine; forty- nine dollars and twenty-tive cents paid April sixteenth, and eight dollars paid April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety, aggregating sixty-two dollars and fifty cents, being for the service of the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety. unseen ummp- INVZESTIGATING THE HISTORY AND HABITS OF INSECTS: To pay ‘“"‘”· amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of investigating the history and habits of insects, being lbr the service of the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, one dollar and seventy- seven cents. Omigggn ¤¤¤ Iuvnsrmarioivs m Omurnonoer Arm Mnnnnoovz To pay ` amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of investigations in ornithology and mammalogy, being for the service of the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, four dollars and ninety cents. S¤z¤¤rr•¤¤¤=¤¤¤· EXPERIMENTS IN THE MANUFACTURER OF SUGAR: To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of ' experiments in the manufacture of sugar, one hundred and sixty-one dollars and fifty-two cents. ,,§_2?¤·***··*·*°*·'¤·· nnraatrmnnr or Jusrion. C<>¤¤i¤e¤¤¢ ¤— For stationery, two hundred and fifty dollars. ’°”““°‘ For furniture and repairs, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one, eighty-five dollars.