Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/310

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 311. 1892. 283 Loss BY EXCHANGE, DIPLOMATIC SERVICE: To pay amount found g9¤j*l·¥$F°**¤¤$°— ·due by the accounting officers on account of loss by exchange, diplo- lp °m `° °°m°°` matic service, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, seventy- ·one dollars and ninety-seven cents. Loss BY EXCHANGE, CONSULAB SERVICE: To pay amounts found <>¤¤=¤1¤r¤¤rvi¤¤- due by the accounting officers on account of loss by exchange, consular service, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, three thousand six hundred and forty dollars and twenty-seven cents. PAYMENT TO THE mums or ALEXANDER CLARK: For payment to rg¤¤¤¤¤·1¤rC1=¤rkthe heirs of Alexander Clark, late minister and consul-general to Libe- """°"°°° l'°"“‘ fia, the amount of one year’s salary of said officer. four thou and dollars. TREASURY DEPABTMEN T. m£r:=¤¤¤ry Depart- Orrrcn or COMPTROLLER or THE Cummncx (National currency, m§;r¤ri¤¤¤¤dq¤¢ ¤·=»¤— to be reimbursed by national banks): For superintendent, to make his vei.€fY:'5€iZ salary two thousand two hundred dollars for fiscal year eighteen hun- ·dred and ninety-two and to correct an error in legislative act for that year, two hundred dollars. NTERNAL ]DtOl‘l18I RBTGDUG. For salaries and expenses of agents and surveyors, fees and expenses As¤¤*¤’¤¤l¤~¤¤¤·¤¤¢· of surveyors, salaries of storekeepers, and for miscellaneous expenses, being a deficiency for the nscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, six thousand dollars. For salaries and expenses of agents and surveyors, fees and expenses of gaugers, salaries of storckeepers, and for miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. coAsT AND GEODETIC sunvnr. Q · Slgggy Md G•=<>d¢¤¤ For payment to John E. McGrath and J. Henry Turner, subassist- ·L•>§¤HE- McGrath ants, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, the sums, respectively, ””p..y;,,,,,‘]`;§",’.]_T“‘“°" of one hundred and fifteen dollars and forty cents and one hundred and seve11 dollars and ten cents, in all two hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents, for services performed by them during the month of June, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. That the accounting officers of the Treasury Department are hereby lY’&¥{;t**··r- t_ entnetizen to eteuit Lieutenant w. r. Ray, United States Navy, eeni. " ‘““°"°““ · manding officer of the United States Coast Survey steamer McArthur, the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars and forty-five cents, amount actually expended by him for cleaning and laundering clothing of the officers and crew o; that vessel after she had been accidentally sunk alongside the dock at Seattle, Washington. UNDER THE SMITHSONIAN 1NsTrrUT1oN. m§;j;}_$‘·*°'“‘*” ‘¤•“· INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES: To pay amounts found due by the cb§;l{$;·*'*°¤“* °*· accounting officers of the Treasury on account of international ex-" " changes, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, as follows: To pay the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, sixty-seven cents. NATIONAL MUSEUM: 'lo a amounts found due b the accounting K****°¤°}M"S°“m- 0HlCOI‘S of the Treasury od) gccount of prescrvatiodi of collections, tieltgsgzing muw- National Museum, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, as follows: To pay the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, four dollars and forty-seven cents; to pay the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, two dollars and fifty cents; in all, six dollars and ninety-seven cents.