Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/290

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 237, 238. 1892. 263 whole sum shall be, and hereby is, appropriated for the erection of a suitable structure for the purposes of a. memorial hall at YVest Point, New York, upon such site at West Point, New York, as the board of trustees herein created shall recommend and the Secretary of War approve. Sec. 4. That the said board of trustees shall, as soon as practicable m{’I§)¤¤b*° by ¤;!l;¤¤i*· after the funds appropriated for building purposes in the preceding sec- ms. y W ° ms` tion shall have become available, determine, by amajority of the whole number of its members, upon a plan and specifications for a building to be erected corresponding to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the aforesaid bequest, and submit the same to the Secretary of War for his approval, who on behalf of the United States shall Am>r<>¤;¤1by Swethen cause a contract to be let, in the same manner as other contracts f"' °t “ "‘ to which the United States is a party, for the erection of said building, under the direction of the said board of trustees. ~ Sec. 5. That the funds appropriated in tl1is act shall be drawn from USG of funds- _ the Treasury as required by section thirty-six hundred and seventy- ng. S" ”°°‘ 36'3’ p‘ three, Revised Statutes of the United States, in the case of moneys appropriated for the use of the YVar Department. And the said board of trustees shall submit to the Secretary of War estimates for his approval, which shall form the basis of his requisition. The funds so drawn shall be disbursed, under the direction of the Secretary of War, by the disbursing officer of the United States Military Academy, upon vouchers certified to by the president and secretary of the said board of trustees for and in behalf of said board, and shall be accounted for by the said disbursing officer in the same manner and under the same conditions as other public funds of the United States: Provided, That the author- 1·»-mma. ity of the Secretary of War for any expenditure under the provisions mf‘yP§{°,,‘,}‘,j. gf,,§f’°’°‘ of this act shall be conclusive evidence of the legality thereof. Sec. 6. That the memorial hall tobe erected under the provisions of mfgggfj, °*` ***° *“°· this act shall be a receptacle of statues, busts, mural tablets, and por- ` traits of distinguished and deceased officers and graduates of the Military Academy, of paintings of battle scenes, trophies of war, and such other objects as may tend to give elevation to the military profession; and to prevent the introduction of unworthy subjects into this hall the selection of each shall be made by not less than two-thirds of the members of the entire academic board of the United States Military Academy, the vote being taken by ayes and nays and to be so recorded. Sec. 7. That the said board of trustees shall, within thirty days after <>¤g¤mz¤m»¤ Ormisthe passage of this act, meet at \Vest Point, New York, and organize “*“‘ by the election of one of their number as president and another as secretary of said board; and a majority of the whole number shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. And the said memorial hall shall be erected under the direction of the said board of trustees, and after being erected shall be maintained, managed, and controlled by the United States in a manner similar to other public buildings at _ _ , _ VVest Point. After the construction of the building and its transfer to t,;?""`"‘m°" °t d"` the Government the functions of the said board of trustees shall cease. Approved, July 23, 1892. CHAP. 238.-An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell certain Jai,-g3_ 1392, lands in the city of Springtield and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. -+···—— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . States of America in Coupes.; assembled, That the Secretary of the §:r=fi¤sfi¤l·t· Mags Treasury is authorized to sell such lands as have been acquired by i,S.1.°° “`°"`”°t °° the United States in the city of Springfield and the Commonwealth ot Massachusetts, by devise, upon such terms, and after such public notice by advertisement, as he may deem best for the public interest. Approved, July 23, 1892.