Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/280

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. L Ch. 214. 1892. 253 CHAP. 214.-jA11 act granting the right of way to the Mexican Gulf, Pacific and July gl, lm_ Puget Sound Railroad Company over and through the public lands of the United ————— States in the States of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and granting the right of way to said Railroad Company over and through the United States naval and military reservations near Pensacola, in the State of Flonda. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Mexican Gulf, Pa- _1§l·¤xi¤a¤ Gult Pacific and Puget Sound Railroad Company, a company organized under §{,:§,‘{,';‘,§P‘f§§f,,S°,Q‘,§‘$ the laws of the States of Florida and Alabama, is hereby granted the g{¤¤*<¤l right, J; vp right of way, one hundred feet in width, through the lands belonging n."iii€i1i¤*§E`brC{°st;.ILs°: to the United States in the States of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and }g;¤;g¤iPPi· wd T°¤· Tennessee, and through the reservations lying near Pensacola, in the reuémia. State of Florida, known as the naval and military reservations. The said The Mexican Gulf, Pacific and Puget Sound Railroad Company is hereby granted also the privilege and authority to use such timber, Use of ¤m1m·,m. gravel, stone, and all materials within the said right of way through lands belonging to the United States, except said naval and military reservations, as may be necessary in the construction and operation of the said The Mexican Gulf; Pacitlc and Puget Sound Railroad. _ Sec. 2. That the line and location of the right of way to the said mhgdffm ""1§'Q;‘§£ The Mexican Gull, Pacific and Puget Sound Railroad Company through wlnssssptmvsanlsx the naval and military reservations near Pensacola, Florida, shall be sub- °* W" ject to the approval and under the control of the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of War: Provided, That the said railroad company, mano. on notification by the Secretaries of the Navy and War, shall, within a Track tonavy·yard. reasonable time thereafter, construct, maintain, and operate at its own expense a spur track or tracks to enter into and be located at such place _ or places within the present limits of the navy-yard inolosure on said reservation as may be designated by the Secretary of the Navy: And Cooling ¤f¤ti¤n- provided further, That the Secretaries of the Navy and War be, and are hereby, authorized to allow the use by the said company, in the accommodation of its general traffic and the maintenance of a coaling station, of so much of the land and water front of the said reservation lying west of and outside the present navy-yard inclosure as in their judgment will not be required for naval or army purposes, and as will not be a hindrance to the public defense nor prejudicial to the health of those residing on the Government reservation and not to exceed in any one case three hundred feet of water front, which width may extend back along the line of said road not more than one thousand feet ; the value of the use of land to be appraised by a board of naval officers, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy: And provided nmqes. further, That said company shall reimburse the residents of said reservation for any damages to their property or tenements caused by the construction, excavation, or operation of said road, such damage in all cases to be fixed by the said board: And provided further, That the negununn. right of way and other privileges granted in this section shall be subject to the regulation and control of the said Secretaries, and shall be inoperative, null, and void unless the said railroad company shall complete the construction of and have in use its tracks within two years from the date of the passage of this act. Sec. 3. That the Secretaries of the Navy and War may, at any time Removal vf stmthey shall deem it necessary for the public good, cause to be removed °`"°°' or destroyed all or any of the structures hereby permitted on the naval and military reservations near Pensacola, Florida, without liability for llmpages; and the said company shall not erect or allow the use of any S¤r°=:f¢£¤r¤£;¤ M av- FQSICIBIICCB on said reservation, nor shall it erect any structures of any £E°v`}.,,{4¤.’$§?"€” kind thereon except such as the Secretaries of the Navy and War shall approve; and all approvals in this act required shall be in writing. Sec. A That Congress expressly reserves the right to alter, amend, or sncsamsutm. repeal this act, in whole or in part, without any liability on the part of the United States for any damages or losses sustained by said company. Approved, July 21, 1892.