Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/139

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1 12 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1892. Mississippi River, Iowa side from mouth of Iowa River to Burlington, to determine the best method of removing the bars and deepening the channel. Indiana. INDIANA. ’ Harbor at Evansville. _ _ Wolf River Harbor, on Lake Michigan; and the eng1ueer will report whether Wolf River and Lake are navigable water ways of the United States, or whether covered in whole or in part by claims of private ownership. - Illinois. ILLINOIS. Ohio River at or near Elizabethtown, Illinois, for the purpose of de termining the most practicable method of improving the harbor at that lace. P Hamburg Bay, on the Mississippi River, in Calhoun County. Little Wabash and Embarras rivers. Outer harbor at mouth of Calumet River. Harbor at Moline. Kansas. KANSA . Kansas River. Kentucky. KENTUCKY. Ohio River between the cities of Ludlow and Covington, in Kentucky; and Cincinnati, Ohio, from the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway bridge to the Cincinnati Southern Railway bridge to prevent washing and damage to banks on Kentucky shore. Ohio River between Livingston Point and the head of Tlbnnessee Island with the view of protecting the harbor and marine ways at Paducah, Kentucky. Licking River, with a view to providing slack—water navigation. Big Sandy River from its junction with the Ohio River to the crossing of the Big Sandy by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railrom bridge, with a view of ascertaining if there be a bar in the Ohio River at the mouth of said Big Sandy obstructing navigation, and if there be whether confining the waters of the Big-Sandy to the general course of its channel between said points the said bar will be removed. Louisiana. LOUISIANA. Harbor of refuge on Lake Pontchartrain, most suitable point at or near entrance into the Old and New basins. Bayous Black and Terrebonne with a view of connecting them between Southdown Plantation and Houma, Louisiana, and opening a shorter and safer inland water route from the Mississippi Valley, via Berwicks Bay, to Texas and Mexico. mm. MAINE. Rockland Harbor. Tennants Harbor. Vinal Haven. Carver Harbor. Owl Head Harbor. French’s Beach Harbor. Lincolnville Harbor. South Fork of Bagaduce River. Ge0rge’s River. Portland Harbor, with a view to extending the channel along the front of the wharves on the south side of the harbor, so as to give a dcgmtl} of eight feet at mean low water as far south as the plush mill w ar . Channel near Hardy’s Point, below Pembroke. _