Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/118

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1892. 91 Improving harbor at Erie, Pennsylvania: Continuing improvement, Erie,1’a. forty thousand dollars. The material removed in improving the harbor of Philadelphia, Penn- Philadelphia, ra. sylvania and New Jersey, in accordance with the plan adopted by Congress in the act of September nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, under appropriations heretofore made, or any part of said material, may be deposited in any place or places approved by the engineer oih- Deposicofxuamnal. cer in charge of the work: Provided, That the full amount of material zwmt. to be deposited and spread on League Island, as provided for under League xsnmi. the existing contract, shall be so deposited and spread before the completion of the work covered by the contract; and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent or in conilict with this provision are hereby repealed. Improving Delaware Breakwater, Delaware: Continuing improve- Delaware nmkwa. ment, fifty thousand dollars. “"* D°1‘ Improving harbor at Wilmington, Delaware: Continuing improve- Wil¤¤i¤s¤<>¤· WL ment, forty thousand dollars. · Improving harbor at Cambridge, Maryland: Completing improve- C*"—“**“‘*g°·M"· ment, seven thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars: Pro- {rev?-,0, mw vided, That no partof said sum shall be expended above the bridge °m° I ` until the draw in said bridge shall have been widened sufficiently to accommodate the commerce on the river. Improving harbor at Norfolk, and its approaches, Virginia: Continu- N<>¤`¤¤<- V¤· ing improvement, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Onancock, Virginia: Completing improvement, °¤*¤°°°k-V”· six thousand five hundred and eleven dollars. Improving harbor at Cape Charles City, Virginia, and its approaches; V0¤r¤ 01¤¤r1~>¤ CW Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars, to be expended in °‘ dredging and for such protective works as are recommended by the engineer: Provided, That before any Government money shall be ex- P’W*¤· pended in the improvement of this harbor or any of its approaches, the owners of the basin forming the harbor and the channel or canal Use of b=¤¤i¤· leading thereto, or connecting said harbor withe Cherrystone Inlet, shall execute, or cause to be executed, and file with the Secretary of War an instrument in writing satisfactory to the said Secretary of War, giving to any and all vessels, upon any and all occasions for all time to come, the right to enter and remain in said harbor and transact business therein without charge, except legitimate, usual and reasonable wharf charges to be determined by the Secretary of War in event W1¤=¤·f¢bMz¤¤- of disagreement and shall further legally dedicate or cause to be dedicated to public use an approach to the wharves of said harbor from the nearest public highway of not less than forty feet in width, to be approved by the Secretary of War. Improving harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina: Continuing improve- B<=>¤¤f¤rt.N- 0- ment, ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Charleston, including Sullivan Island and C¤¤*l°¤¤°¤·S· C- Mount Pleasant Shore, South Carolina: Continuing improvement, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That contracts Pr<>·¤>¤· may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and C°““"’°‘“· work as may be necessary to complete the present project of improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made bylaw, not to exceed in the aggregate one million nine hundred and L*¤¤i*· nfty-three thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving harbor at Georgetown, South Carolina: Completing im- G"°’¤°“"*“· s·C· provement, twelve thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Winyraxv Bay, South Carolina: Continuing im- Wi¤>‘¤w B¤y·$·C· provement, one hundred thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Brunswick, Georgia: Completing improvement B’“”"*°k»G“· twentyseven thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia: Continuing improvement, Gg¤¤¤l>¢¤’l¤¤<l $°¤¤d· one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. `