Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1155

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mnmx. 1135 Pu Naral Establishment-Continued. ga Navy—Continued. . Pago. construction authorized of one sea-going appropriation for Naval Academy .. . .- 722 coast-line battle ship ... . .. 251 for Naval Home ___._________________ 242, 72] · three light-draft protected guubouts; for Naval Observatory ,,,,_.,,,.___, 242, 722 ¢0¤171'80f¤ -·-- . -.- 731 for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery - . .243, 723 appropriation for new machinery Wash- for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts- .243, 723 ingbuu N8Vy—y¤rd .. 251 shore duty orders need not state dumfor torpedo outhts “At1|\1|ta” “Boston " tion of service ,... . .,., 245 and “Chicago " 251 for Bureau of Construction and Repair.245, 725 for armament and armor ... 251 for Bureau of Steam Engineering,. ..,. 246, 726 balances for armament mode available- 731 for Neve.] Academy .-.. , ,,,__,,___.___ 246, 727 for equipment of new vessels .. 251, 731 for Marine Corps .. . ... 248, 728 for traveling crane, More Island, Cul . . . 251 for international naval rendezvous and for ccustfuctioudand completion new 731 f ineview -...--. . . .. 250, 730 vesse s· spee premiums .- 251 or crease of the navnlestablishment,250 731 advertieemeniss to be made for purchase; I 39 ?I1' armament - . ... 251; 731 0 gnu or armor stee . 51 7 .. or equipment ...,.,.,.,,,_,_,.,,, 251 731 Naval Ho”‘e phgladdphga, pan , fo! travolingpmne, Mum Island, Cal _ , 251 .1,1, riagm fm- nhrjm and °xP°mes__g42, 721 for construction and steam machinery. .2z>1, 731 Navalrg¥6litiq, {0I' pensions, tram naval fund . ...- 119, 523 ‘ approgrintiou for mms and uqujpmouh __238 718 deficiency appropriation for pensions 50, 671 Na"; 0 “.,.,“*,,._¥! 21 02 for psy, miscellaneous . . . . s repriatio assists ts et . 1 7 Pgrr oompnttititoi-ns, appsgatnn, gookn, etc.211; 702 f°1` B“1`°¤¤ °f N¤·V1g*}171°¤ -292, 292, 313; 655; 672 fm. appming bcckg Em __________ __ __2]_1, 702 for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery"292, 292, mm 1: ¤ ... 211702 813,655 656.673 2;; :°nzt!§g¥i°:xR€??? __________ _ ______ ’ 242 for Bureau of Equipment . 292, 293,%14, 817, for miscellaneous ex uses .. . . . 702 _ _ ·$18i665;670, 672, 674 fm. unda and Img ________ _ _________ 72] for Bureau of Provisions and C otlung.292, 293, mimtig investigators and students af- 395 for M me corps 292 ____ ur ...-. N1 d aziissmtsciif °`'`````````` for Bureau of Ordnance . .' .292; 655, 670; 673 N' . . °f °°°°* for care, etc., monitor "Amphitrite".-. 293 N:& I hzzfzazlilghm'’ 210* 701 for psig proviso ... 3136 31% 672, 674

  • uoc im accruing prior u y , ,

"PP!°Pr1‘“°° fer °xP°”°°’ '*‘‘ ‘ ’°' ""250’730 for service on receiving ships etc. 1*:*** Wh for M9 721 to be paid ..,,,., Z .,._ I 313 Naval Training School (ace Coasters Harbor 9'°:l°:::ng'°.f£?*`?“yrg:c tmwgich :1: IS an · · mm dor m uly 16 {880 313 N“”"l W""` C""°g° (°°° C°°°t°m Harbor Is` for Bureaulirf Construction and liei>uir'é13 673 ' I 1“{"l)· for 20 per cent . 314 AT'""""`" R"`"¤ Cal'! for allowance eight-hour law 314 vZ£§Z2}L’$%·EZ'3.*°” "‘“'°" °" “‘°“"‘ · ······ ‘“ for aumcuougs u»»m..g --ijé14;s·,i-2,‘au, 673

  • ‘ . J . for indemnity ost clothing.. .314 317 670 674

<>1·¤¤r¤¢*=¤<>!¤: _1¤=» by "h¤"°=‘» 1“°’“· °*°·» no rm¤1i»¢m¤¤ui»0l¤¤ea¤¤.314, 317, sxé, 676,615,eu f?’l{1 °u ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ "' ‘‘‘‘for bounty destruction of onomies’ ves·

  • N P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤°¤ *`*°"* S°°*°*°¤' °* W" ·-··-- *10 f su ... su, 317, sia, 670,673

at' v a t 't t a .. . .. 67 yggcllatiniution suspending tonnage dues on fg; iufseclli of 31:6* ‘uI;;?rant" ...-. . . . . 314 vessels from Tobago ...--. .. 1000 for examininn surgeons, navy pensions . 314 regulation of hgh_ts for barges and canal for mileage e aims 314, 317,318, 671, 673,674 bouts W]1;1 3113011* · -·% - ···- 557 got xidow of Benjamin L. Edcs .. ... gg treaty 0 ', yn n spent en 3 0 0 or ounty to apprentices -- ' Congo .-·-·--··- ·-- --·-· · · -·--- 926 for Bureau Yards and Docks ..- 673 Navigation, Bureau of, Treasury Deqzartment, for Bureatnof Steaim Engineering -.. 673 appropriation for Commissioner, clerks, for extra pay Pacific service 673- N etc . . i. -.. 196, 688 J ames A. 0uet1¤,hregr-admirail. retireckdto N6 i t' ,(J mi:•doncrqQ 5 4t t , 4; , ‘:i>¥•:*;;;1¤t1:'1: 1.013 ¢=1¤5‘k¤, **1*** ··-- ; -··--- _• - 196 limit 0t?:un,11i:r ot! iniistleidynien .,1). . .7. 730 to issue Amfriainu {xB5F15G!' to 1`OTBIKD bull? 59 persons cnlistinghin, ages haviugtenlggggd vesse " `nx n . . . . -. · in, ete. the re e ion, eni e 0 to “Sea Bird ” ..,,.,,.-.,.-... 408 Prom ggnsicané ¢gs:bé¢;d`ldsu1Lit1§)e,ervic•;. 340 Nagvy, 0 l011S l I I1 0H 8 · i t' f . . . . .-- 236 715 mmnntion . . 321 upp:?;i];uie$iet‘;roi1?Fca<1et engineers 236; 716 1 reductions in Engineer Corps terminated- 405 naval constructors eligible for chief of I sale og lands, yard at Brooklyn, authorbureau . . . . 716 1 ized ...,... 407 for miscellaneous .. . . . _ .. ..236, 716 Nan-y Depqmnent, _ punishment of fraudulent cnlxstments. 716 appmprmjziou for Secretary of the Navy, for contingent __,,,_ , _,_______,,__ _ , , ,237, 716 Assistant, qlerks, etc , .,,, : . . . , . 209, 700 for Bureau of Navigation _____ , .,___ _ ,237, 717 for cigrkg, gm., Bureau of Navigation, ,210, 701 fo]- naval tggining station ____ __ _____ 237, 717 ofhjgg Navi;] Rgqordg of tho Robo]- fur War College and Torpedo School-237, 717 hen .. . ... 210, 701 for Bureau of Ordnsuce ... 237, 718 library -- . ---.--·-...-..-.----·- 210, 701 for Bureau of Equipujgnt ______ _ _ _____ _239, 'T]9 J“dgg.Ad\·oo3§o.(jgngr31’g oKigg_ ____ 210_ '[O1 for Bureau of Yards and Docks 240.719 Hydregrephne qiiice .-,-- 210;701 (hr public works ,,,__,_,,, , ,_, _ .240, 721 Bureau of Equipment ,,,_,,,,,,.,., 21,1, 702