Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1147

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INDEX. 1 127 DM, Mrs. Emory, P°g°' Mcgmdwaon G HF- '~ . `J •7 “'PPr°I;?;;t1‘j¤ fo1‘ paying clmm of; pm- £?m:D?f jud§mcu1; of Court of Claims to. 304 ‘‘'‘‘‘ · ·····- · -~·-·--·- ~ ----- v , erm; ., L;;z£;`gEh€Hg;:gi3:d;ég?::, d;fic1c;gghappxiopriatiou for services .. 290 . . ···- » 0 all, ¢¤ MMG , L £!'é‘::;¢;;Tl and consohdatxou .. . . . . 633 payment of j udgmcut of Court of Claims to. 307 I311d patent to ..,___ _ _________ _ 59 M”K’€"”!/v G""!' W-» Luuengm, Mich., ‘‘·· · Mjgm rgrgmgi •=<>Lr¤¤t¤d . 812 u ro riatiou for im ¤ W"' ·· L £& & L  ;:v¤ment of harbor . 94 Payming of judgment of Court of Claims fag 9iED3l 8d1d k90p01•’s dwelling ggmb- M L ’ "'"' ‘' ‘ '‘‘’‘‘"" ’••&B» 3'ursln umd 454 c aug us, Thomas A., Lamm- Ram-! gv_ g_ and S C _ ‘ M§;;::¢¤L};::zy:b1¤ discharge . 771 appropriation for improvement or ________ 100 · - ’ “ · Lggqq W,·;;, D_ g m111m!'! record corrected. .. . . 778 ¤1•1>r¤pri¤ti•m for expenses .. - ...,,,. me 549 M$*h“"» "°'"'# L,,“,,;; g,,,,,,,; · wary record corrected . 782 pension ,__,_____ _ _______ _ ____ ____ 819 McMah 0n, Martin T., Luth-ell, 774;;;,, appointed manager Volunteer Soldiers' pension .,,,_ ___ _____________ _ ____ 819 H0!|10 ---.. ... - ... . . 396 Lynch mm, s. 0., M¤M¤·!•»·r and M¤G•b§m•, appropriation for survey of _ _ ____ _ __#_ ____ 114 Md;§¤¤¤W ¤·]•P¤•P¤l·t\0¤ fol‘ ¤0l’Vi¤¤¤ . 287 degtggéyqfiropdatiou for public build- ;°y";;::€J:&mmt °fC°m°t °fCl*i·¤.t°· 35 mg _______________ _____ ____ 668 McPI!c»:son, dward, Ly", y“, dohpwucy appropmahou for sarvwcs. . 665 &pp1’0priat10¤ fOr impgovqment of harbor; M“°h’"° q'"'?: Amy: proviso ________ ___ _____ ______ 88 approprmtmn for purchase of ,..,, 182 [dom Hu,.,q Machodoc Qregk, Va., Lowcr, Pension manned _ ___________ ________ 817 GPPYOIEHSUIOD. for xmprovomeut of ..., 99 L!/0,,% n Macm, (ra., appreprumon for consul at -.- . . ,229, 502 [ ‘1°6°*°2”°Y *PP¥°P¤*·**°¤ f°¤' Pumm buildtbr clerk him ... · , .,,,_ 232, 505 * M lydl; —--·----·--·-----·----- - -----· 284 I ml M d¤§cio1;;yapprp;::·iatiou for .. 303 ' ansucnp , M y,.,-,;" D appropriation for binding, utc ., ,, 349 fjhbtiopahczl byginshingtun and George- M°d°°°°Y Shmf G°'Vg°t°'}”°¤ D' Cv town Baikuu cmpny ______ _____ 158 vacation of pomou ot .,., 39 ]IcAIZidar, Asidrnv, Madrid Eaqpogitivn, payment ofjudiment of Court of Claimsto. 308 ¤Pgi'9P¤¤•U°¤ fm 1`?P¥`°¤°¤*¤¤0¤ W --—--·· 350 McAlpi••e, Kennel , do cnmcy appropriation for delegateyupayment cfjudgmout of Court ofC1aims tc- 308 1 P011S0S, BW ·----·..·... . 31 " McA11hu:·," Coaxt Survey Steanurr, 1 M“V`¢t» GV}'!!? W-; deficiency apprnpxiation for cleaning, atc., 4 ¤PP¥°P¤¤*¤°¤ fm` "“11di¤8¤» °*°·» CIW)'- . clothes of crew _ , _ _, _ _ _,_,, , ______ _ 233 BBD}! wld Ampnlxo Agtmcy -. 633 .McCammo·u, James, t M¤9¤*I¢ Ki/7¢, pension increased ... . ..,, 803 ’ tut of Amcrwign, $0 be made by board of McCa:¢dles», Stephen C., » Army 0n[¤°\'¤ - —·-·-------- · 486 payment of judgment ofCuurt ofCla.imgm_ 306 f !¤8¤¤f¤¤hl!‘0 ct Mm adopted . . .,,, , _ , _ 486 McCauley, Elisa Aldon (widow), M¤!Id*·’b“*'9· Pension ________ _ _____________ _ ________ ___ 330 . nppropriumcn for consul ut ..,, , ,,___ 229, 502 McL'lurc 1)“ ”ie' · Jlagzll, John U., \ credit in acggnutg of ____ _ ________________ 752 · payment tu ndmxutstmtmx; proviso, ,,,,, 792 McCr¢a»·_•;, Ura C., E Maguire, Ellen (mother), deficiency nypmpriatiou for refund ... 286 j pension ..__.._.,,_ __ ____ _ _,__________ 765 McCullough, I ouatun M., Mail Bug and Lock Repair Shop, payment; of judgment of Court of Claims to. 304 apprnprimmm for expense. ______________ 145, 133 J!I¢·I)ar·molt, Alartin (mm), Mail Bags and Calchwa.

pen¤i0n .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 832 appropriation fur, and repairs  - _,____ 146, 733

clhmald, .·lZa:vander—- Mail Chula in Buildingn, cleticicncy appropriation for .. 301 may bu declared part of official receiving Mubunald, Hm;. gdward F.,lalaaRq1resoMa- boxes ,,,,,.,, , __,_,,,__________ 421 tire in rmgreao, ai lepredatious, deficiency appropriation for widow of 664 appropriation for expenses ,, 147, 734 Mrlhmuld, Peter J., for chief inspector, clerks, etc . 219, T11 deficiency appropriation for KIIEBIGDCB 111 deficiency appropriation for expenses 659 pay . . . . 665 ‘ Mail Locks and Keys, Mclhryie, John V., l apfropmdon for, and repairs ... 146, 733 deficiency appropriation for contested elec- Mui Jlenengvr Service, tion . ... . .. 302 5 appropriation for ... 146. 733 M¢:Elrey, Harmon H., , Jfail 1‘ran»portutima, pension ... .. . 04 upgsroprintion for, by star routes --.-146, 733 McGrath, John E., ur, by steamboat routes ..-.-. 146. 733 deficiency appropriation for services .. 283 for, by rnilruadjmntes . .- -146, 733 Llcéirew, William H., for special facihties 011 trunk lines 147, 733 payment of j udgment ofC0|1l't ofCl81¤1S|10. 304 . for foreign mails .. 147, 733