Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/993

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940 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 541. 1891. and the recedin aragraph to be done_under the supervision of the Commisgioner og Patents, and in the city of Washington, if 1t can there be done at reasonable rates ; and the Commissioner of Patents, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be authorized to make contracts therefor, one hundred thousand dollars. _And certined copies of such drawings and specificationsmay be furn1shed by the Commissioner of Patents to persons applying therefor upon paymgpitloif thelptresentbratesgfpr pncertnied copies, and twenty- ve cents 1 1ona or eac cer 1 ca ion. _ , mvtsugmqg use, For investigating the question of the public use or sale of inven- °*°··°““'°“"°“'*°°°‘ tions for two years or more prior to filing applications for patents, and for expenses attending defense of suits instituted against the Commissioner of Patents, seven hundred and nfty dollars. _ rmmmmax nu- For the share of the United States in the expense of conducting gy me the international Bureau at Berne, Switzerland, eight hundred do · ’ l rs: , Bureau or mmf 3BUREAU or- Enucxrrouz For the Commissioner of Education, °*°“·mm,¤,-0 , c,,, threethousand dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dolco m' ° lars; two clerks of class four; one statistician, one thousand eight hundred dollars; collector and compiler of stat1st1cs,_two thousand four hundred dollars; one specialist in foreign educational systems, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two clerks of class three; one translator, one thousand six hundred dollars; five clerks of class two; six clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; seven copyists; one skilled laborer, eight hundred forty dollars; two cops, at eight hundred dollars each; one copyxst, seven hundred and-twentv dollars; one assistant messenger; two laborers; two laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; one laborer, at four hundred dollars; and one laborer, at three hundred and sixty dollars in all, fort -eight thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. necks, cw. For books for library, current educational periodicals, other currlent pubgigaisions, and completing valuable sets of periodicals, one thousand dollars. · statistics. For collectin statistics for special reports and circulars of information, three thousand dollars. _ nmnnuzipgé enc., For the urchase, distribution, and exchange of educational docu- ‘“‘°“‘“°"‘“· · ments, and, for the collection, exchange and cataloguing of educational apparatus and appliances, text—books and educational reference books, articles of school furniture and models of school buildings illustrative of foreign and domestic systems and methods of education, and for repairing the same, two thousand dollars. _ 0¤!¤!¤iS8i¤¤¤¤'0fR¤U- OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF RAILROADSZ FOI' C0mmlSS1011e1', four mm" thousand five hundred dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand four hun- V dred dollars; engineer, tvgo thlopslanddiivg gupdred dolle3rs;kas?isgant bookkee r one thousan ei un re dollars; one c er o c ass three; oh; bop 'st and onegassistant messenger; in all, fourteen thousand four hiindred and twenty dollars. _ _ _ _ For examination of books and accounts of certain subs1d1zed railroad companies, and inspecting roads, shops, machinery, and equipments of same, two thousand five hundre dollars. Architect of the OFFICE OF THE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL! FOP A.1'Cl1lt8ct, four °“*“°°L thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk of class four ; one draughtsman. one thousand eight hundred dollars; compensation to disbursing clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; person in charge of the heating of the Congressional Library and Supreme Court, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; one laborer in charge of waterclosets in central portion of the Capitol, six hundred and sixty dollars; three laborers for cleaning rotunda, corridors, and dome, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; laborer in charge of public closets of the House of Representatives, seven hundred and twenty dollarsseven watchmen employed on the Capitol grounds, at eight hundred