Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/92

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38 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 63. 1890. from the revenue of the District of Columbia, and one-half from any inopely in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropria e . ‘ Tmiwm. TERRITORIAL QOVERNMENTS. U! W - H U, . H IEDUSTBILL HOME IN UTAH TERRITORY: To aid-the Industrial num. Christian Home Association, Utah Territory, in carrying on the work of said association, fiscal year eighteen hundred an ninety, two thousand dollars. War D¤v¤m¤<>¤¤· WAR DEPARTMENT. wu- maps. WAR MAPS : For completing, printing and binding one thousand ·¤¤¥=¤¤·¤6¤· gve lhungred maps of the battle- eld of hickamauga, two thousand ve un re dollars. S¤¤¤¢¤·r’•¤¤!<=¤ OFFICE on THE SEcRETARY: To pay the salar of an Assistant seauehviylf Secretary of War, provided by the act of March Birth, eighteen hun- —*’•“·P-"- dred an ninety? for the months of April, May, and June, current iiscal year, at the rate of four thousan five hundred dollars per annum, one thousand one hundred and twenty-tive dollars. neeei-anna Pension RECORD AND PENSION DIVISION : For two firemen, at seven hun- ”§I,,'€*§§;.,,,,,,,,_ dred and twenty dollars each from March iirst to Jime thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, four hundred and eighty dollars; S\=¤1¤<1¤w¤h·¤i¤· or one skilled mechanic, at one thousand dollars, from March first to_June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-four cents; in all eight hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-four cents. · ¤¤¤¤¤¤&f¤·· De STATIONERY: Eor stationery for the War Department and its ”‘""‘°"‘°’bureaus (except Signal Omce), Eve thousand dollars. . Amnuuumus, we ART1r•IcIAI. Lmnsz For furnishing artincial limbs and apparatus or commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, sixty thousand dollars. ...:*,§{*f·’>’ m*·”·*·· MILITARY ESTARLISHMENT, I¤¤==*¤;¤¤¤*¤*'¤ QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT. rest berm-iu, That the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, authorize from

 the appropriation for regular supplies of the Army for the fiscal

I¢}!¢|'?¤|¤¥A¤\l!¤\1P· year eighteen hundred and ninety expenditures for the necessary

  • ‘u°“ °"'8°°‘ equipments of the bake-house to carry on post bakeries; also the

necessary furniture, text-books, paper, and eguipments of the postschools; the tableware and mess urniture or kitchens and messhalls, garden utensils, agricultural implements, and seeds for post gardens, each and all for use of the enlisted men of the Army. m8E;si¤¤¢* ¤¤r•=*» ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. _ Pier in venwm Coxsrmrcrrxe PIER is DELAWARE BAY, NEAR LEwEs, DELA- B"‘ WARE: For repairs, ten thousand dollars. S*s¤¤¤$¤¤·*¤·¤· SIGNAL sERvIcE. Contingent ex- CONTINGENT EXPENSES: For improving the water closets, enlarg- P°¤*°$· ingi the heating facilities, increasing the drainage, painting the roofs, an making such other absolutely pressing repairs required to preserve the main and annex buildings of the Signal Service. situated on the corner of Twently-fourth and M streets northwest. Washington, District of Colum ia, nine thousand five hundred dollars. swan was OBSERVATION AND REPORT or STORMS: For maintenance and remf§""Y ’“‘*¤‘€*‘P" pair of military telegraph lines. as follows: For completing and V maintaining the connection between the United States military tele-