Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/913

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.860 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 539. 1891. women, or persons non compos mentis are interested in any land claim or matter brought before the court it shall bie its iiuty tpl apugrdiau ·t ardian ad litem for such ersons un er isa iity an re- °'g·"**°~"° d*·:“'¥*E;'1: giiiile 3 ggtition to be filed in their behalf, as in other cases, and if necessary to appoint counsel for the protection of their rights. The ...: Mts; aszzz?zz,s£:;£1;2*:;*.:z:.*ss;·*;¥ :.*::.?.:Ié:2i;;.:£ _ aris - §°g§,_"‘°"°”’ “' "' mony, and otherwise to hear and dispose of interlocutory motions not affecting the substantial merits of a case. And said court shall have mcausereom. and possess all the powers_ of a circuit court of the United States in ¤¤”¤€°“.,..:?“°“ “ "” §f.2?i§.`S.£2€ ‘Z£‘.}$t§KS‘L.‘i1’£‘3?$`3.£“§S“§£E’£.Kidiiiigtliifattf ID a S s • ummm"; Sec. 13. That all the foregoing proceedings and rights shall be conductedl and decided supjnipt to the follpwing provisions as well as to the other rovisions o this act name y: No claim suowsa, First. bib claim shall be allowed that shall not appear to be upon xmm a title lawfully and regularly derived from the Government of Spain em:. or Mexico, or from any of the States of the Republic of Mexico aving lawful authority to make grants of land, and one that if not then clompdetteogng perfeci at the date of tlhlel aiquisigiog of lthe itefritoiy by t e ni tates, the c aimant wo ave a a aw u ri t to make perfect had the territory not been acquired by the United States, and that the United States are bound, upon the principles of public law, or by the provisions of the treaty of cession, to respect and permit to become complete and perfect if the same was not at ““§* dflfi “¥:°“°l' ".‘2.““‘i1°l‘i’ tid ii?.-°§5‘ ti. t i. ii · we 'th ueumsuee eco . ocai sia ao a-sa in erewi or

°,c_'*°”0wI°‘ pérsgtiigogyaagy just and unextinguished Indian title or right to any

No ,0,,,,,,,,;,0, to Third. No allowance or confirmation of any claim shall confer any mf;“®· •=¤¤·, · ¤> right or title to any gold, silver, or quicksilver mines or minerals of nxcepuom.the same, unless the grant claimed effected the donation or sale of such mines or minerals to the grantee, or unless such grantee has become otherwise entitled thereto in law or in equity; but all such mma; mi mmemis, mines and minerals shall remain the property of the United States, %§ °' "‘° with the right of working the same, which fact shall be stated in all m<;>¤¤:¤¤_<>gS <>w¤¤¤ patents issued under this act. But no such mine shall be worked °r mmon any property confirmed under this act without the consent of the owner of such property until specially authorized thereto by an act of Congress hereafter passed. _ _ { (,1;*0 ¤¤*,¤;·;th°£*•;,¤_jr¤ Fourth. No claim shall be allowed for any land the right to which ¤saeh|‘ti;tc¤¤g¤e¤,em. has} hitherto been lawfully acted upon and decided by Congress, or un er its aut iority. Privswmrizhw cit Fifth. No proceeding, decree, or act under this act shall conclude 52E??,,, .,K,§°ZR,Y§§_ or affect the private rights of persons as between each other, all of which rights shall be reserved and saved to the same effect as if this Ugstiaeggeagg act hail go; beelp fiaised; brit the pikocpfzdingz, decpjeecs, and aptsthereig · _ rovi e or s a e conc usive o a rig s as e ween e nite gllgiiqm Us mn Stgtes Iandv all persons clainging alny interest or right in such lands. opmueu ot decree ixt . i o confirmation o or ecree concerning any claim under §Z.t$§_°*”’° U'""" this act shall in any manner operate or have effect against the United agian or au mm States otherwise than as a release by the United States of its right °”" and title to the land connrmed, nor shall it operate to make the “§g;¤:8*>f¤i¤¥¤fU¤¥ United States in any manner liable in respect of any such grants, clatmg, gr lands, or their disposition, otherwise than as is in this act provide . wget wnnmsalen, _ Seventh. No confirmation in respect of any claims or lands menehwgq($ug}glYgggu;: t10H0d 1H Section six of ,this act or in respect of any claim or title . :c¤¤z·¤·¤¤ zr¤¤=¤·¤. that wtas {no; lpoipplegel and perfect at the} time ofil the tranlsfer of sov- A»¢e,p.a¤a. ereign y o e ni States as referre to in this act, shall in any case be made or patent issued for a greater than eleven