Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/902

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 536. 1891. 849 until a verdict shall have been rendered or the jury shall be discharged. The said jury terms shall begin on the nrst Monday in Jul-youu; January, the first Monday in April, the first Monday in July, and the first Monday in October of each ear, and shall terminate, subject to the foregoing provisions, on the last Saturday of each of said éury terms; and section eight hundred and seven of the Revised 11s.,n. c., sw. sw, tatutes relating to the District of Columbia is hereby made appli- p‘3°,;,,,,,,,,,,,c, of cable to and shall be in force in respect of said police court. mm- At least ten days before the term of service of such jurors shall ¤¤v1¤s:I¤¤·¤r¤. begin, as in this act provided, such jurors shall be drawn in the manner in this act provided for, and at east twenty-six names so drawn shall be certified by the clerk of said supreme court to the said lice court for service as jurors for the then ensuing jury term. Dei}i§ien· rmmgummm . cies in any panel of any such jury may be filled according to the law applicable to jurors in said supreme court, and for this purpose the . said police judge shall possess all the powers of a judge of the supreme court of said district and of said court sitting in special term. » o person shall be eligible for service on a jury in said police court msgnmay. for more than one (jury term in any period of twelve consecutive months, but no ver ict shall be set aside on such ground imless objection shall be made before the trial begins. Service in said jury shall not render any_ person so serving exempt, ineligible, or disqualified for service as a juror in said supreme co1u·t, except during his term of actual service in said police co1u·t. The marshall of said M,,,;,,; to h,,, district, by himself or deputy, shall have charge of such jury, and chute ¤f1¤¤v· for that pxupose he may appoint an additional deputy who shall be Deputy. paid three dollars a day w ile so employed. Sec. 4. That in all cases tried before said court the judgement of _;,,dg,,,,,,,,n,,,._ _ the court shall be final, except as hereinafter provided. ippon the trial of any such cause an exception be taken y or on behal of any exceptions. defendant to any ruling or instruction of the court upon matter of law the same shall be reduced to writing and stated in a bill of exceptions, with so much of the evidence as may be material to the question or questions raised, which said bill o exceptions shall be settled and signed by the judge, and if, upon presentation to any justice of the su reme court of the District of Co umbia of a verified petition settin forth the matter or matters so excepted to, such justice shall be of; opinion that the same ought to be reviewed, he may allow a writ of error in the cause, which shall issue out of the said wx-1:0: mermasupreme conut, addressed to the judge of the police court, who shall "'°'“° °°“’°·”·°· forthwith send up the information filed in the cause and a transcri t of the record therein, certiiied under the seal of said court, to saidp supreme court in general term for review and such action as the law may require. Any defendant desiring the beneut of the pro- Name. visions of this section shall give notice in open court of his intention to appl? for a writ of error upon such exceptions, and thereupon procee ings therein shall be stayed for ten days, provided the defendant shall then and there enter into recognizance with sufficient M,,,g,,,,,,,,,,,_ surety, to be approved by the judge of the police court, conditioned that in the event of a denial o his application for a writ of error he will, within five days next after the expiration of said ten days, ap ear in said police court and abide by and perform its judgpment, and that in the event of the granting of such writ of error e will appear in said supreme court of the District of Columbia and prosecute the writ of error and abide bg andlperform its judgement m the premises. Upon failure of any efen ant to enter into the recog- semmembe exenizance provided for in this section the sentence of the ppgice court °* shall stand and be executed pending proceedings uponapplica- ` tiog for a writ of error and until the nal disposition thereof y the sai supreme court. Sm. 5. That if any such recognizance shall be forfeited the police T¤1¤¤¢¤¤¤¤ <>¤ M- court shall have power, on motion of the prosecuting omcer, to issue °”°°'"°°°°°°°°°°‘ srnr L-—VOL xxv1———~54