Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/842

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 342, 382. 1891. 789 Sec. That the location and terminus of this railway, the width · a°W*;tfL° of the right of way and dimension of terminal facilities for build- pp u' ings, turn-tables, and so forth, for the use of said railway within said reservation, shall be made with and subject to the approval of ` the Secretary of War, or such person or rsons as he may designate, and authority is hereby granted saide street railway company ocmvnnymnybrldcc to construct a bridge for this yélurpose and to have the exclusive use §§,,E}‘3§L$§K1}*¤'§'• thereof over said Republican iver, at a point to be selected by said E¤¢¤¤¤*¤ *1*- SOOI6lS3Y of War, or such person or dpersons as he may designate, and to land the north end of this said bri ge on said reservation and within Location or bridge. fifteen hundred feet west of said Union Pacific Railroad bridge. I Sec. 3. That the fare to be charged by said street railway com- nm. panyTfor the transportation of all persons in the military service of the nited States and their families, either to or from Fort Riley to the opposite terminus of the road, shall not exceed the sum of ten mmm cents each. Sec. 4. That if the rights hereby conferred shall not be exercised cempiemu. and the road built within three years next after the passage of this - act, all the rights and authority hereby granted s all absolutely cease and determine. · Approved, February 27, 1891. CHAP. 382.-—~An act to inco rate the Washmgto' n and Arlin 11 Bailwa Feb IUI. Company of the District of Co1umr§a. gm y Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentdtives oghe United S'8a.tes of America in Congress assembled; That W. H. n- wesmugum me Ardle, D. C. Forney, J. S. Lawrence, Beriah Willcins, C. G. Lee James l‘}f,'f§,“ *§:,§‘0‘§;{,§§§j: L. Barbour, and their associates and assigns, be, and theylare hereby, or we} created a bod corporate under the name of the Was ington and m,,,,,,,",,, ',Q°,,dM2,,°§ Arlington Railway Company of the District of Columbia, with au- :{‘Qg°“}"&wg{f):'¢[{*i(g" thority to construct and ay down a single or double track railway, meorponzem.` with necessary switches, turn-outs, an: other mechanical devices T""°”·°"°· for operating the same, by horse, cable, compressed air or other wer to he approved by the Commissioners o the District of Co- Power. liiinbia, or electric ower, for carrying passengers, parcels, milk, and truck, by the fldllowing route, namely: Beginning on Sixth Location. street near B street northwest; along B street and Virginia avenue northwest to Twenty-sixth street; along Twenty-sixth street to M street; along M street and Canal road to a point on the Potomac River at or near the point known as "The Three Sisters," where the said company is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a brid e across the Potomac River on such maynnuglelpeeomm lans as the Secretary of Var may) approve; and from thence §fS‘§g'[.sf2E' ° '”’°° by, on, and over such lines as may e se ected by the said company, with the agprovalof the Secretary of War, to the northwest entrance of the Arlington Cemetery, and thence through the Arlington estate outside of the cemetery grounds to the south or west line thereof. in the State of Virginia: Provided, That said road P:-mum. shall cross the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal on a bridge that shall chempeekeuaome . be so constructed as not to interfere with the use of the bed or tow- °“”“‘°“°"'“€°"’· path of the canal as a waterway, or as a railway, and in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War: Provided, That said company shall not operate any part of its line by electric power with over- overhead wu-ee m head wires within the city limits: Provided, That should any part my umm of the track herein authorized occupy the same street or avenue comeming mers. with portions of any other duly incorporated street railway in the District of Columbia but one set of tracks shall be used; and the - relative conditions of use and of chartered rights may be adjusted Terms for use ot upon terms to be mutually agreed upon between the companies, or, °°‘°'"“°‘