Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/717

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1276, 1277. 1890. 663 or pre-emption entry, and has actually occupied and improved the same for the purpose of making his or her home thereon, under the homestead or pre-emption laws, prior to the first day of April, anno Domipi eighteglentdliuxidredl and ninety, slliallf halvelthe righiti upon comp ying wi e urt er requiremen o the aw, in o er respects to complete such homestead or pre·emption entry and receive a patent for the land so entered,- occupied, and improved, notwith- _ standing any discovery of {phosphate deposits upon or under the surface of any of said lands a ter such entry was made z Provided, That ,§g°°‘;6'Mgc 0, the entryman had no knowledge of the existence of such phosphate pimpnsaaeposau d?osits upon the land which is the subject of such entry at the date _ w en the settlement thereon was made. Approved, October 1, 1890. cm¤·.1z·n.-An m granting w um Newport me Kings vsuey mums Com- °·*·>¤·* ¤·¤°°°- pany the right of way through the Siletz Indian Reservation. Be it enacted I2; the Senate and House of Representatives og' the _ _ United States of merica in Congress assembled, That the rig t of vfu$;Pg°m;‘§fdKéQ§,€ way is hereby granted to the Newport and Kings Valleyl Railroad @m§•g*cms:iSHeu Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of mgm of ,$X‘}_ °“‘ the State of Oregon, for the construction of its railroad through the Siletz Indian Reservation, bepnmng at a pomt on the easter y line T·¤¤•¤°¤· og said reserwatiop wher; Rolcu Cregklprolgseg said hnp plaid tence tery ownt ev eyo oc ree an eva eyo biletz Rifdr to the western boundary of said reservation at or near th; 80HthW6SbtC(;Z;.'1D6Tbhl§>tI‘G0£. h b wd t d mc. 2. Tha e ri o wa ere gran o said company shall be seventy-five fget in width on each side of the central line of width. said as aéfofesaid gaind saiid pomlpapiyl sha?] have thirirgfhlt _ M tt ian Jacenoeeosai mae, stox?e,9ear1·(tlI: gid timbei necessary for the construction of said railroad; also ground adjacent to such right of way for station-build- S*·¤¤¤¤¤.¤¤¢=· ings, depots, machine-shops, side-trac , turn-outs, and water-stations, not to exceed in amount three hundred feet in width and three thousand feet nli lengthépr each station, to the extent of one station f h tees o ro . OSS? 3. Thi; it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior Gomponsatlcn wmto fix the amount of com nsation to be paid the ndians for such dl'"' right of wa , and provid]? the time and manner for the payment thereof, ang also to ascertain and fix the amount of compensation to be made individual members of the tribe for damages sustained by D*¤°%'°¤ them by reason of the construction of said road; but no right of any kind shalll vest in saidirgilkway compapy lor to guy aplart o theéitght rovi e or un_1 pa ·ereo m eu n_ ua gursvgyfogrghg definite location of such railroad; and mcldding the "°£“‘Z.£‘3’$l’3£'Z,‘f“;£.`t£‘}.i“ga£.if"{,‘§’a'i€4?h$$§"T£§’§}.‘2’;£‘€?Z3i"i;§“t£Q 8... .1 ou s. *· S, S 0 Secretary of the Interior, which approval shall be made in writing :fgc_°PP'°'° *°°°·“°¤· andbe open for theinspection of any party interested therein. an “""‘ “‘° °°“?‘““?’““°'L “.i°§°"’;‘2.`Zi€2S0mK2?1?£‘}i‘L“£‘§i1i,’;dcZi‘.° surve s, cons ruc ion, n a — ducted with due regard for th; rights of the Indians, and in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Secretapyl of the Interior may make to carry out this provision: Provided, at the consent gglggybr mmm of the Indians to said right o wa shall be obtained by said railroad company in such manner as the Syecretary of the Interior shall prescribe, before any right under this act shall accrue to said company; Tnuspmnuon And provided further, That 110 greater rate shall be charged upon c;,,,-gw_