Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/647

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1244. 1890. 593 354. Cotton cords, braids, boot, shoe, and corset lacings, thirty- O0,§g,§*:1E::,{·,w, five cents per pound; cotton gimps, galloons, webbing, goring, sus- uma-continued. ponders, and braces, any of the foregoing which are elastic or non· °°“l"‘*°°°‘ elastic, forty dper centum ad valorem: Provided, That none of the mma. articles inclu ed in this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than minimum. forty per centum ad valorem. _ 355. Cotton damask, in the dpiece or otherwise, and all manufactures Damask, em. of cotton not specially provided for in this act, forty per centum ad valorem. SCHEDULE J.*—FLAX, HEMP, AND J UTE, AND MANUFAOTURES 011*. m¤Sc¤:q¤;¤pJ.a¤d 356. Flax straw, five dollars per ton. julitcgofnd mmfm 357. Flax, not hackled or dressed, one cent per pound. · 358. Flax, hackled, known as " dressed line,’ three cents per pound. 359. Tow, of ilax or hemp, one half of one cent per ound. 360. Hemp twent dive dollars per ton; hemp, hackled, known as line of hemp, fift rlbllars per ton. 361. Yarn, madre of jute, thirty-ive per centum ad valorem. • 362. Cables, cordage, and twine (except binding twine composed .P0$t,p. 1114. in whole or in part of istle or Tampico hber, manila, sisal grass, or sunn), one and one-half cents per pound; all binding twine manufactured in whole or in part from istle or Tampico fiber, manila, sisal grass, or sunn, seven—tenths of one cent per pound; cables and cordage made of hemp, two and one-half cents per pound; tarred cables and corda(ge, three cents per pound. ’

 Hemp an jute carpets and carpetings, six cents per square

yar . 364. Burlaps, not exceeding sixty inches in width, of flax, jute or ummm hemp, or of which flax, jute, or hemp, or either of them, shall be the component material of chief value (except such as may be suitable for bag 'ng for cotton), one and five-eighths cents per pound. 365. gags for grain made of burlaps, two cents er pound. ` 366. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth, and all) similar material suitable for covering cotton, composed in whole or in part of hem , flax, jute, or jute butts, valued at six cents or less per square yard, one and six-tenths cents per square yard; valued. at more than six cents per square yard, one and eight-tenths cents r sqpare yard. 367. Flax gill-netting, nets, we s, and seines, when the thread or twine of which they are composed is made of (yarn of a number not higher than twenty, fifteen cents per poun , and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; when made of threads or twines, the yarn of which is finer than number twenty, twenty cents per pound and in addition thereto forty-five per centum ad valorem. ` 368. Linen hydraulic hose, made in whole or in part of flax, hemp or jute, twenty cents Bper pound. 369. Oil·cloth for oors, stamped, painted, or printed, includin 0i1<=loth.m. linoleum, corticene, cork·carpets, figured or plain, and all other oil? cloth (except silk oil-cloth), and water-proof cloth, not specially provided for in this act, valued at twenty-tive cents or less per square yard, forty per centum ad valorem ; valued above twenty-five cents per s uare yard, fifteen cents per square yard and thirty per centum ad valorem. 370. Yarns or threads composed of flax or hemp, or of a mixture Y¤·¤¤. ewof either of these substances, valued at thirteen cents or less per pound, six cents per pound; valued at more than thirteen cents per pound, forty-tive r centum ad valorem. 371. All manutglitures of flax or hemp, or of which these sub- M¤¤¤f¤¤¢¤r¤¤· stances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, not special] provided for in this act, fifty per centum ad valorem : Promded, 'Ilat until January first. eighteen hundred and ninety-four, Homo. such manufactures of Bax containing more than one hundred threads 18§"“ “"°° J"' l' STAT L———v0L xxvi-—38