Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/579

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1126. 1890. 525 csix hundred and sixty dollars and eighty-four cents; for amount due postmasters and late plostmasters in delinquent accounts received (estimated), eighteen undred and eighty-nine, two hundred and seven thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and sixteen cents; in all, six hundred thousand dollars. For compensation of postmasters, being a denciency on account of the nsca year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, eight thousand nve hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty cents. P That the proper officers of the Post-Oi.ce Department are hereby o. ir, Laraway. authorized and directed to credit in the account of O. M. Laraway, C"°°'°°"°°°"”°‘ latefostmaster at Minnezpolis, Minnesota, the sum of eleven thousan one hundred and n teen dollars and thirty-eight cents, being the value of certain postal funds which were sto en from the safe in said post-onice on the eighth day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, without the fault of said postmaster. hat the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and gil- Lszutgk directed to pay to M. M. Lynch the sum of one hundred and one ym"` ' dollars and sixty-nve cents, in full ayment and satisfaction of the amount audited and allowed to him hy the Treasury Departmentfor carrying the United States mails on route numbered ten thousand six hundred and sixty-nve, Old Mines to Old Mines Station, in the Stage of‘]Miss1ou5i, f30m thpril nrst to October tenth, in the year ei teen un re an six ·one. §l\e[A1L TnANs1>oRrAr1oN l7For inland mail trans ortation by rail-, BM¤e¤]¤¤M,rgg1¤t;;¤i¤¤ road routes, nve hundred and forty-one thousand lhur hundred and ` twenty-three dollars and four cents. For inland mail transportation b steam-boat routes, twelve thou- smm-nm routes sand six hundred and eighty-nine dynllars and seventy-nine cents. For inland mail transportation by railroad routes, being a den- nammmum. ciency for the nscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents: Provided, That no part of the money herein alp- zvmmq. pro riated for inland mail transportation by railroad routes shall e E‘°°""°“S‘ aid) for trans ortation on railroads operated, leased, or controlled hy the Central) Pacinc, Union Pacinc, Sioux City and Pacific, and Central Branch of the Union Pacino Railroad Companies. STAMPS AND Euvmnorns; For manfacture of adhesivepostage and stamps. special-delivery stam s, ten thousand dollars. For manufacture ol') stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, and Stamped envelopes. letter·sheets, sixteen thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. dxmment of Ag- INVESTIGATING Hrsronr AND HABITS or Insncrsz To pav the Investigating iu. amount found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury, being °°°‘°· °°°· for the service of the nscal ear ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, as follows: To pay the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company fort -seven dollars an thirzy cents; To re-imburse B. F. Fliiller, disbursing clerk, or amount expended for investigating the history and habits of insects_in excess of the appropriation for the nscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eight ·nine, eighty-four do lars and thirty-four cents; in all, one huncnedy and thirty-one dollars and sixty-four cents. INVESTIGATIONS IN ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALOGY: To re—im— investigations, m-. bnrse B, F. Fuller, disbursing clerk, for amount expended fer inves- ¤i¤¤<·*<·¤·¤*¤=- tigations in ornithology and mammalogy, in excess of appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun re and eighty-nine, seven dollars and sixty-nve cents. TUREAU or ANIMAL INDUSTRY: T0 adjust the accounts of N. J. m§¤¤r¤=¤¤ ¤f Mimi Colman, late Commissioner of Agriculture, involving the ex ndi- “"°”" ture of no money from the Treasury, being a denciency in th; ap-