Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/550

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496 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1003, 1040. 1890. ‘ Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and hereby is, Jnspeeuoueza authorized and directedbtolauthorize and direéct }the inspection of said steam-vessel, steam- oi er, steam- ipes an the appurtenances of said boiler, and cause to be granted the ,proper and usual certificate issued to steam-vessels of the merchant marine, without reference to the fact that said steam-bo1ler, steam-pipps, and appurtenaraices were riot conistrugteid piprsuantlto thexhaws of thetU;n1teddS{ates, an were no cons rue e 0 1ron s amp pursuan o said laws; and the tests to be applied in the inspection of said boiler, steampipes, and appurtenances will be the same in all respects as to strength and safety as are requ1red_m the inspection of boi ers constructe in _ the United States for marine purposes, save the fact that said boiler, steam·pipes, and argpurtenances not being constructed pursuant to the requirements o the laws of the United States, an are of unstaxnfped iron, shall not be an obstacle to the granting of the usual cerf cate if said boiler, steam-pipes, and appurtenances are found to be of sufficient strength and safety. ‘ Approved, September 27, 1890.

  • 8•>I>¤¤¤¤b¤' $$1890- CHAP. 1040 —An act to forfeitoertain lands heretofore granted for the purpose

il; of aiding in the construction of railroads, and for other purposes. Fmmmm of uu UR?/gg enactedgy the Senage and House gy Repreievgatzvei of {gw .,,,.,,£d g,,,,,,,; n` 0 melricu. in ongress assem ed, Tha there is ere y

 ¤¤ •¤1 forfeited to the United States, and the United States hereby resumes

rwirpmii-e and re the title thereto, all lands heretofore granted to apy State or to any "“”*P"“"*· corporation to aid in the construction of a railro opposite to and coterminous with the portion of any such railroad not now com- ,B·==!¤¤¤¤ *0 ¤¤Ni¤ pleted, and i11 operation, for the construction or benefit of which such lands were granted; and all such lands are declared to be a Pj·¤v¢·¤· part of the public domain: Provided, That this act shall not be con- R•€!¤¤·>f*¤¥· •=¤¢=· strued as forfeiting the right of way or station grounds of any rail- _ road company heretofore granted. _ ""°‘T°“m°,,‘j,,"§t‘,’j,Q’.§ Sec. 2. That all persons who, at the date of the passage of this gms. alre agtual settlers in goodlfgitlx on any lpf the lands hereby fori ei e an are ot ierwise u i e on ma ing ue c aim on sai T*¤¤•“¤¤*'=· lands imder the homesteadqlaw within six months after the passage Em f H { of (phis lact, shall be enpitlledhto a pregefence réigllit to enter (fable same l W, °’ '¤° ° un er the provisions 0 the omes ea aw an this act an s all be occuwiom regarded as such actual settlers from the date of actdal settlement ¤•¤¤¤¤I *¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤* or occupation; and any person who has not heretofore had the benefitof the omestead or pre-emption law, or who has failed from any cause to plerfect the title to a tract of land heretofore entered by him under eit er of said laws, maiy make a second homestead entry under

  • “*°'~ the provisions of this act. he Secretary of the Interior shall make

such rules as will secure to such actual settlers these rights.

 °"°·• *” Sec. 3. That in all cases where persons being citizens of the United

Stages, or whip have declared theni intenpiops tpT becoiméa such, in accor ance wit t ie natura ization laws o the United States are in possession of any of the lands aifected by any such grant and herey resumed by and restored to the United States, under deed, written contract with, or license from. the State or corporation to which pinch graiqt wa; mm or éts assigneelsp execulted prior to Janpary rs ·, eng een u n e` ht -e` , or w ere ersons ma *e ¤¢¢ge;i¤¢¤¤d¤¤sw settled said landsll with abonaldidgl irltent to secure? title theigtoaby wmpurchase from the State or corporation when earned by compliance _ with the conditions or requirements of the granting acts of Congress E¤°*”°d">P¤¤=¤¤¤¤· they shall be entitled to purchase the same from the United States, ¤¤=f¤*¤<>¤¤· in quantities not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres to any one such person, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-nve cents per