Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/484

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430 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. channel near Staten Island Bridge, and removing the point of land. westerly of same, seven thousan dollars. _ Pon Jerfcrson Inlet, Improving harbor at Port J eiferson Inlet on the project to give a N‘Y‘ channel ten feet deep and two hundred feet wide, twenty-five thou-- sand dollars. mmbmgu, N. Y. Improving harbor at Plattsburgh, New York: For repairs and extension of breakwater, to complete, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. . ummmm, N1. Improving harbor at Larchmont, on Long Island Sound, New York: five thousand dollars. nunmgwu, N.Y. thimprocyiéigl harbor at Huntington, Long Island, New York, ten ousan dollars. R¤r¤=•¤B¤v.N-·T- Improving harbor at Raritan Bay, New Jersey: Continuing im- _ provement, forty thousand dollars, one-half of which may be used m dredging bar between South Amboy and Great Beds Light. Erle,Pa. Improving harbor at Erie, Pennsylvania: Continuing improvement, forty thousand dollars. mdP¤fi,¤g¤1v¤i¤· P¤~· Im roving the harbor of Philadelphia: For removal of Smith’s `Island and Windmill Island, in the State of Pennsylvania, and Pett ’s Island, in the State of New Jersey, or such (parts of them and the dioals adjacent thereto as may be regpired, an for the improvement of the harbor between the cities of hiladeltphia, Pennsylvania, i’¤>¤*··¤- and Camden, New Jersey, two hundred thousan dollars: Provided, That contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for the I D? *¤‘=m*¤‘¤°¤· work required for the improvement of the Delaware River between the cities of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden, New Jersey, according to the plan lrleiported by the Board of Engineers and transmitted to Congress Apseventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and printed as House Executive Document two hundred an sixty, Fiftieth Congress, first session, or such modifications thereof as may ¤¤**°*°°“·°°°· be determined upon by the Secretary of War: Provided, That the cost of the improvement shall not be therebgeincreased, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time made by law. N*·'°°*H°°*·P“· Improving ice·harbor at Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. D°**"*¤’° B*'°“· Improving Delaware Breakwater, Delaware: Continuing improvenm' M` ment, eighty thousand dollars. ¤¤w¤•¤¤¤,1>¤1- Improving ice-harbor at New Castle, Delaware: Completing improvement, eight thousand one hundred dollars. Wummgm. M Improving harbor at Wilmington, Delaware: Continuing improvement, thirty thousand dollars.

,,fj The Secretariy of War is directed to appoint a commission of three

_ mvmmu. persons, one 0 whom shall be a civil engineer of experience in the improvement of rivers and harbors, who shall proceed to make an accurate survey of the tidal streams which form the harbor of Wilmington, Delaware, making all necessary observations to obtain all the data required for a plan for the permanent improvement of the harbor to suit the present and prospective wants of commerce and navigation; and that said commissioners shall, as soon as possible, make to the Secretary of War a report, submitting with it a plan for the improvement of said harbor. B°*°*f“°'°·M‘*· Improving harbor at Baltimore, Maryland: Continuing improve- "'°""°· ment, three hundred and forty thousand dollars: Provided, That °°”'·"'°*°· such contracts as may be desirable may be entered into by the Secretary of War for the completion of the existin project, or any part gg sim? to be paid for as appropriations may Irom time to time e m e y aw. ”'°*°¤ B•Y» W- Improving harbor at Breton Bay, Maryland: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤¤r¤s¢·Md· Improving harbor at Cambridge, Maryland: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars.