Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/478

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424 rirrr-rinsr couennss. sees. 1. ons. 872474. iseo. September 4. 1890- CHAP. B'l2.—An act giving the consent of the United States to the State of North ___;- ?.1'§°*“ $"£%**"°""“€** {Wf? EE ?£$}.?§r?““$.é‘i€‘l§`.§‘fs"5”‘L %°¥.$;‘§ "§...°g§‘2"r€§’ ' IDB 1 10]], S60 1011 l · , 0 ll , 0 — nine west, situate in the county of Cass, in Said State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatryes of the Public mpc:. United States of America in Congress assembled?/r That the consent ,,,,,.“?,§,,U,3{",fg°¤S.$$iT of the United tates is hereby given to the State of North Dakota to

3 appropriate for the use of the State Agricultural College, as a site

muon, ous oo.. N. for that institution, section thirty-six, township one hundred and

§‘{,'h§,f’{‘° forty, range forty-nine west, situate in the county of Cass, in said

State, being a portion of the lands (granted to said State for the purbngdinuemnny an- poses of common schools but no in emmty shall be allowed for this ‘ sec ion. Approved, September 4, 1890. September 4, 1890. 8]3.—An_éaptdc¢1}1;s‘ti , Illinois, a port of delivery in the cus- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the ¤•1r¤.11u¤¤1s. United States of America in Congress assembledfwlhat Cairo, in the dnnbmm • pm of Iélinom, ba, apld helreby iis, eistaéplishgdlas a porti of ldetlivlery, ‘ m ecu omsco ec'on istric 0 ew reans,au ta tere Quatre: m be up be a pointed at said port a surveyor of customs, with compenc,,,,;,,,,,,,,,_ sation of three hundred and fifty dollars per annum and the usual fees and commissions. Approved, September 4, 1890. · September 4, 1890. CHAP. 8'l4.—An act extending the criminal jurisdiction of the circuit and dis- ·*—····i— trict courts to the Great Lakes and their connecting waters. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the crimmujunsdicucn United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person §,§,§‘},'Q1,,,€’Y,'Q‘$ who shall, iépon any vessel registered or enrolled under the laws of m"*··*·°¤m’“° 31** '£‘“°€ H3? "`“d "’ii“gf£k2 `é,‘i¥,§‘5‘iJ}"°££1$‘.§’ iii22E22S “‘}3L{§f e rea es, namc Y, , e Huron, Lake Saint Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or any,of the waters connecting any of the said lakes, commit or be guilty of any °°°""" of the acts, neglects, or omissions, respectively, mentioned in chapn. s., rms nxx, ter three of title seventy of the Revised Statutes of the United °*‘“*’·*‘·¥’¤**°°"‘°“· States shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished with the same P¤¤*¤¤¤1¤¤¤ punishments in the said title and chapter, respectwely, ailixed to the saxéie offenisiels therein mentiofned. respectively. f th U t d Stat Jurisdiction or oe- mc. 2. att e circuit an istric cou s o e ni e es {j':,"'.,;; ,{€§°{°,$,l'{ resppctively, are hereby vested with the same gurisdiction in respect S°|°“| ’°¤ °* U¤*°¢•* of the offenses mentioned in the first section o this act that they by law have and possess in respect of the offenses m said chapter and titlgh in the first segtiouhof this act mprigonedi, anclcs1aid_tc£>urf1s, re; vey are a so or the purposes o 18840 ves wi a an R.S.;;‘1‘i_t!#‘eXHI,chnP- the same iurisdiction they, respectively, have by force of title thir-

 teen, chapter three, and title thirteen, chapter seven, of the Revised

mm. 100-119- Statutes of the United States. Approved, September 4, 1890.