Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/466

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412 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 837. 1890. For the Navy Department, sixty thousand dollars, including not exceeding twelve thousand dollars for the Hydrographic Office; For the Interior Department, including the Civil Service Commission, three hundred and forty thousand dollars, including not exceeding ten thousand dollars for rebinding tract-books for the General Land Office. For the Smithsonian Institution, for printinilabels and blanks for the use of the National Museum and for the " ulletins" and annual yolpmes of the “Proceedings " of the National Museum, ten thousand o ars; For the United States Geological Survey as follows: For engravingi] the illustrations necessary for the report of the Director, eight thousand dollars; For engraving the illustrations necessary for the monographs and bulletins, thirty-Eve thousand dollars; For printing and binding the monographs and bulletins, twenty- Eve thousand dollars; For the Department of Justice, seven thousand dollars; For the Post—Of|ice Delpartment, two hundred thousand dollars; For the Agricultural gnment, forty thousand dollars; _ For the Department of bor, four thousand dollars; For the Supreme Court of the United States, five thousand dollarsd gor the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, one thousand o ars; For the Court of Claims, twelve thousand dollars; For the Library of Congress iifmen thousand dollars; · For the Executive Office, three thousand dollars;

 And no more than an allotment of one-half of the sum hereby

gm appropriated shall be expended in the two first quarters of the fiscal year, and no more than one-fourth thereof may be exppnded in either of the two last quarters of the fiscal year, except t at, in addition umxperruea nn- thereto, in either of said last quarters, the unexpended balances of ‘“‘°"‘ allotments for preceding quarters may be expended. New mw- For purchase of new type, one hun red thousand dollars. Newpri¤ci¤g—pro¤¤•>¤~ For purchase of new printing-presses, twenty thousand dollars; A,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,, of To enable the public printer to comply with the provisions of the zygsgggrggusrggiglqigfg law granting thirty days’ annual leave to the employees of the Govnrgbmre. ° ernment Printing Office, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. 1>r¤-rm mm up To pay ro rata leaves of absence to emplolyees who resi or are °" '°'*"""°‘· °'°‘ (decision of the First Comptro er), fifteen tdllousand o ars. F¤¤•¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤* of Sec. 2. That to provide accommodation for the Government Print- (didr•°{°m°°° mmm ing Office, and the construction of the needed storage and distribut- 1’¤•¢.p.¤s¤. ing warehouses in connection therewith, the Secretary of the Treassemen? or new urygthe Public Printer, and the Architect of the Cagiitol, actigg as E’A$‘c‘§’{,§“$}l‘§,*Q a ard, be, and they are hereby, empowered an instruct to §,°‘;_{frQgg·;¤{)§°:•{g; acquire, either by urchase or by condemnation proceedings, as dem necessary mm. hereinafter provided), the land necessary, in their opinion, for the cm cr ms. purposes aforesaid, and for the purposes stated, the sum of two undred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby appro riated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro riated? Bpqrd so purchase SEO. 3. That 111 tlie event it shall be necessary: in order to carry $,E,;,;‘,‘f,'.§’,'§‘,,“§,¥Q_"f,‘§ out the purpose of the foregoing section, for the board, as above v=<><>¤¤<1¤<>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· constituted, to acquire land, said board is empowered and directed ‘ to acquire the same by negotiation, where any such land may and can be so acquired and title secured at a price not above a fair relative value as to other lands which have een sold in the immediate vicinity; or if the said board hereby created shall be unable to purchase said land by agreement with any one or more of the respective owners at a reasonable price within sixty days after the passage of this