Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/453

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. 1. on. sa?. 1890. 399 of offices, salaries of civilian operators and repairmen, lights, stoves and fixtures, supplies and general repairs, twenty-five thousand one hundred and fifty-five dollars. PAY. anlslagkcetc., of officers d lior pay of one brigadier-general, five thousand nve hundred Chief sizmlomcer. O HIS; r For pay of fourteen second lieutenants, mounted, twenty-one second lieutenants,. thousand dollars; m°“”'°d· For longevity pay to officers of the Signal Corps, to be paid with Longevity my- current month y five thousand four hundred dollars; For mileage to officers when traveling on duty under orders, to be mieege. disbursed under the same limitations prescribed for payment of _ mileage to officers in the act making appro riations for the su port of the Arm; for the fiscal year ending ilune thirtieth, eighteen Ante,p.151. hundred an ninety-one, two thousand seven hundred dollars: Pro- Promovided, That no lpart of this appropriation shall be used to pay the mmimm. expense of trave performed on strictly military duty; or commutationof uarters to commissioned officers at places Gvmmursticncf wlgzigsfitheire aéeuno public ‘ quarters, four thousand seven hundred °°”°°"' an y- wo dollars; _ For forage and straw for horses actually kept by officers in the rm-age. public service, as allowed by aragraphs one thousand one hundred and forty-six and one thousand four hundred and fort -three, Army Regulations, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and tlie act making appropriations for the support of the Army, approved February v0l_m_p_34;·_ twenty fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, one thousand two hundred and seventeen dollars; . For sales of the regulation allowance of fuel to officers of the Fuel. Signal Co s, as allowed by by section eight of the act of Congress approved rgune eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (twenty Statutes at Large, page one hundred and fifty), one thou· ve1.m,p.1m. sand two hundred and thirty-two dollars; For medical attendance and medicines and for interment of officers memes attendance, (and enlisted men of the Signal Corps, two thousand six hundred °"°· o ars; For pay (including interest on deposits, to be paid at discharge; Enuswd men. commutation of rations; commutation of quarters; commutation of fuel; pay for length of service, to be paid with current monthly pay; retained pay, payable at discharge; pay for clothing not drawn, payable at discharge, and for trave allowances, payable at discharge), of not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five sergeants, twent corporals, and one hundred and seventy-five (privates of the Si all Corps, three hundred and eighteen thousan six hundred dollarsé in all, for pay, three hundred and sixty-three thousand and one dollars. Provided, That no part of this money shall be used in payment of names. · enlisted men of the Signal Corps on clerical or messenger duty at im to be used rmthe office of the Chief ignal O cer: _ _ °l""“ ‘“W“’““g'°“· Provided Sfwrther, That all appropriations made for the support of the Signal ervice or Corps shal be disbursed under the direction of D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. the Secreta of War, by the regularly bonded officer who is new ¤}1¤hu_<;gn,;·{)é>g;=j¤¤ disand may berliereafter detailed by the ecretary of War for duty as' disbursing officer of the Signal Service. Provided further, That all accounts of whatever nature, resulting Aecmmu. from the disbursement of any of the alppropriations made for the Signal Service or Cor s shall be audite and adjusted by the Third Auditor and Second Cbmptroller of the Treasury. Provided further. That any money deposited by an enlisted man Deposits or summer of the Signal Cor s, under the provisions of section thirteen hun- s°“°¤*· dred and five of the Revised Statutes, shall pass to the credit of the 11s.,¤ee.13¤¤.v·¤¤~