Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/446

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392 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 837. 1890. mmm For the urchase of necessary books for the library, and the pay- . ment for the transmission of plublic document through the Smit - sonian exchange, ive thousan dollars; in all, six hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred dollars; Miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. Expenses mmm; EXPENSES OF ELEVENTH CENSUS. Census. salaries, ew. For salaries and necessary expenses for taking and compiling the gesplts of the Eleventh Census, one million four hundred thousand o ars. P¤¤**¤€· °°¤· For continuing the printing, engraving, and binding of the Eleventh Census, three hundred and fty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; to continue available until exhausted, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. magma com me- SUPREME COURT REPORTS. !'•¥¤¤•¤* *°¤'*¤· To enable the Secretang of the Interior to a the Reporter of De-

 M cisions of the Supreme urt of the United) States for" seventiy-six

copies of volumes one hundred and thirty-two to one hundre and thirty-seven, inclusive of the Supreme Court Reports, at a rate not. · exoeedinlg two dollars per volume, under the provisions of section V¤l-¤»r·•¤1- two of the act of February twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty- nine, nine hundred and twelve dollars.


k1¤>¤¤¤¤~ For current expenses of the Government H ital for the Insane: For support, clothing, and treatment in thdzovernment Hospital for the nsane of the msane from the Armpand Navy, Marineorps, and Revenue-Cutter Service, National omes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons char ed with or convicted of crimes against the United States, and of ah persons who have become insane since their entry into the military or naval service of the United States, and who are indigent, two hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars; and not exceeding one thousand Eve hundred dollars of this sum may be expended in defraying the expenses of the removal of patients to their friends. ‘ Buildings and For the buildings and grounds of the Government Hospital for “'°““°“‘ the Insane, as follows: For general repairs and improvements, twelve thousand dollars. For special improvements, as follows: For infirmary wing, with connections, thirty-six thousand dollars. For extension of kitchen, and furnishing the same, five thousand dollars. For completing changes in heating apparatus, including new chimney and boiler-house, eight thousand dollars. h:£1¤i¤i¤¤¤¤ wm For purchase of additional farm land, ten thousand dollars. foyéxbmwhmm COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. Bmw- CURRENT EXPENSES or THE COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB: For support of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, and for books and illustrative apparatus and fozfeneral repairs and improvements, forty-seven thousand five hundredollars: harem. Provided, 'l`hat deaf-mutes, not exceeding sixty in number. admitted to this institution from the several States and Territories B.S..scc.4865.p·942· under Section forty-eight hundred and sixty-five of the Revised