Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/414

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360 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 807. 1890. at a rate not to exceed one hundred and sixty-seven dollars for each pu il, seventy-five thousand dollars. Sg~J¤¤&>1h’¤ N<>f¤¤¤! lgor su§ort and education of sixty Indian pupils at Saint J oseph’s °°l' gcgiémald hhppl gtlptensselaer, Indiana, eight thousand three hunr an t i y dollars. 9*~B¤¤i¤<=¤‘¤1¤¤¤— For su port and education of one hundred Indian pu Saint °“`S°h°°" C"' Bonifaceis Industrial School at Banning, California, twellire thousand five hundred dollars. For the education and support of one hundred Indian children at bmi; rmngwrgaue the1Hotlg Famtilyi Inldiaul at Blackfoot agency, Montana, · twe ve thousand ve un re dollars. '1‘r¤¤¤v¤r¤¤z. cw-. For collecting and transportation of pupils to and from Indian ’”°"°` schools, and al o for the transportation of Indian pupils from all the Indian schools, and placing of them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of such suitable white families as may in all respects be gualiiied to give such pupils moral, industr1al, and educational trmnciéig, under larpppgements hm whiph tl1:e11· roper care, suppo an ucation s a in exc ange ort cir _ labor, forty thousand dollars. That in the expenditure of money appropriated for any of the cmum or mums purposes of education of Indian children, those children of Indians ,H‘{‘,¥",$,{“,§‘,,‘§,}{,’,,f’,_°'°" who have taken lands in severalty under any existing law shall not, gy reason thereof, be excluded from the benefits of such appropria- _ on. Expenditures under That the expenditure of the money a propriated for school ur- °°°‘°°“"°‘ I”“""°"‘ poses in this act shall be at all times undldr the supemon and diiectxon of the Secretary of the Interior, and in all respects in conformity with such conditions, rules, and regulations as to the conduct and

bgf mstrugteipu)   expenditure of money as may from time

e prescn y 1m. hwmuwrm mrmnmsr ON TRUST-FUND STOCKS. umn. Sec. 2. That for payment of interest on certain abstracted a d non-paying State stocks belonginfg to the various Indian tribes, add held in_trust by_the Secretary o the Interior, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, namel : '¤¢$m1mmca¤¤•1thFor t1éust·§undtin(tie1ilest due Cherokee national tiund, twenty-six ousan an six y dollarsonmm senmon- For trust-fund interest due Cherokee school-fund, two tho sa d °"‘°‘ four hundred and ten dollars; u n £i¤k•••* ¤¤¤<>¤¤1 thFor t1éust—E;nLl ixgseglest dale Chicléaipw national fund, nineteen ‘ thousand eig un r an went dollars- ,u¢$_¤¢¤¤* www For trust—fund interest due Choietaw general fund, twenty-seven thousand dollars;

  • °*¤¤· ger trucst-gupd interest due Iowas, three thousand five hundred

an twen y m dollars; ,§_•ff•°{n*Q,*· For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pianmus. keshaws, two thousand four hundred and one dollars; ¤°¤°°**¤¤¤· For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskia, Wea, Peoria, and Pianke- M I shgw sphodljunél, ope thtollisang four hundred glu? fogtyniue dollars; _¤""° 8°¤"¤ _ or ·rus un in eres ue e aware gener un or iisca years md eighteen hundred and eighty-nine and eighteen hundred and ninety, seventeen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars; ¤¤¤<>¤=¤¤¤¢¤· d ger trust-fpnd intielrestl dale Mtpnomonlpes, nix5e gxundped and fifty oars;1na,one un oetousan ded d W M W, by in Y f t h `ui Z M . . _ _. . a nopurc aseo su pies orw ic appropria ionsare gilciggidobdsldve ’ herein made, exceeding in the alggregate five hunldred dollars in value at any onetime, shall be made without first giving at least three weeks’ public notice by advertisement except in cases of exigency, when, in the d1scretion of the Secretary of the Interior, who