Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/411

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 807. 1890. 357 CHIPPEWA INDIANS or MINNESOTA. _ moggsg-tztnmmoe To enable the Secretary of the Interior to a the Chi wa In- P=~y¤¤·=¤¤ of comdians of the State of Minnesota the amount of the severalpdiims not ilkidhuuidl hitherto paid, awarded them by commission appointed December f§;,,$’,°§;;g°*0g‘${;:: second, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, for damages sustained on bazoslush, cass, and account 0 the building of dams and reservoirs on Lake Winneba- L°°°°L“k°“‘ goshish, Cass Lake, and Leech Lake, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be in full payment for all damages and claims of whatever nature on account of the construction and maintenance of such dams and reservoirs; two-thirds thereof to the Pillager and Dimibvtiev- Lake Winnebagoshish band, now residing or entitled to reside on Laks Leech Lake an Lake Winnebagoshish or Cass Lake Reservations, W““"’ "‘“"'· and one-third to the Missigsiplpi band, now residing or entitled to Mmppiband. reside on the White Earth, ite Oak Point, and Mille Lac Reservations, to be paid to them by the Secretary of the Interior r Pez-mpamor sumcapita, or expended by him in their behalf in such manner as in his `"’°‘ ju gment wi l best promote their civilization and self-support; an account of this expenditure to be reported to the next session of mgsvon ¤¤ <‘¤¤¤'i¤¤- ongress. . To enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out an act enti- t_R¤1igfC:1pd civilizatled "An act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indi- `tti z¤,pl°%l°°' ans in the State of Minnesota, and for other purposes, approved J anuary fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, as 0 lows: For the purchase an erection of houses for Indians and of saw H•>¤¤¤=.¤¤i¤n¤¤c- and iiour mills; agricultural implements, stock and seeds, breaking and fencing land; for yment of ex uses of delegations of Chip- t_E¤:>e¤¤<=¤_qr 4%- pewa Indians to visit th: White EarthoReservation·; for the erection n2'.??;. tlgesewigdtion, "’ and maintenance of day and industrial schools- and for subsistence Schools, em. and pay of em loyees, one hundred thousand dollars; and for surveys, appraisals, removals, and allotments, one hundred thousand do lars; in all two hundred thousand dollars, of which amount Avrwvriwcnseven thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, ma be used for the employment of additional clerical ¤¤¤¤<>f¤¤rv¤y¤- force in the ogce of the surveyor-gleneral of Minnesota, on account of such survey  : Provided, That these amounts shall be reimbursed Prwiro. to the United States from the proceeds of sales of land ceded by the nsamnumsmm. Chippewa Indians under the act of January fourteenth, eighteen Vol.25,p. uz, hundred and eighty-nine. And the Secretary of the Interior shall make a full and detailed report of his doings hereunder to the first Report. session of the Fifty-second Congress. To enable the Attorney-General to employ a special attorney for mmm xmssns, the Mission Indians of southern Califorma, upon the recommenda- S°"@§,’{"t,,§‘},‘§,'Q,*f“ gon of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand five hundred dol- ¤¤P¢¤¤*·i¤¤· - rs. To enable the Attorney-General to dpay necessary expenses in the wglqim sums vs. case of the United States against W' iam H. Thomas and others, ,;,}:"’ H‘ '"‘°“‘”· nding in the circuit court of the United States for the western dis- Necssssryexpases lidct of North Carolina, being a suit by the United States as trustee and as guardian, to settle and enforce certain rights of the Cherokee Indians residing in the State of North Caro ina, five thousand Appropriation. dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, said sum to be ro ussxpsnusu by expended by or under the direction of the Attorney-General, whose *°°°"'°"°°"°""‘ expenditures of the same shall be audited and accounted for in like Auditing, ew. manner as other expenditures of public money made by him. FOR SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Support or moors For support of Indian day and industrial schools, and for other my me muse-in educational purposes not heremafter provided for, including pay of “'“‘°°“‘ draughtsman to be employed 1u the office of the Commissioner of ¤¤¤¢¤*¤¤•¤~