Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/229

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 613, 614. 1890. 17 5 parcels acquired by agreement ; and the said Secretary is authorized and directed in case_he can not acqpire the said parcels, or any parcels of land required in said square, y negotiation as hereinbefore provided, to acquire the same by condemnation, and for that purpose he Qondemnmop, on is authorize and directed to make application to the Supreme Court f°é3§$§fn§§S:§“tQ$'§ of the District of Columbia, by petition, at a General or Special Term ¤•>d¤¤¤· 0f_ said court, for an assessment of the value of such arcels, and ?¢¤*i¤¤f¤¤¤PP¤¤*¤¤L said petition shall contain a particular description of the roperty required, with the name of the owner or owners thereof, aud) his, her or_ their residence, as far as the same can be ascertained, and the said court is hereby authorized and required upon such application, without delay, to notify the owners and occu ants of each such par- Notidcation m mmcel, and to ascertain and assess the value of the same, by appointing Tb mmm of Wm_ three commissioners to appraise the values thereof, and to return the mfsslgncrs. assessment to the court, and when the values of such parcels are thus v,i{w°2"°mm°°° if ascertained, and the President shall deem the same reasonable, the ‘ _ sum or sums so ascertained shall be paid to the owner or owners, or rsymm. into said court for their use. Sec. 4. That the fee simple of all premises so appropriated for pub- T¤¤¤¤¤v¤¤H¤U¤l¤¤¤ ` lic use under the provisions hereof, and of which an appraisement shall have been made under the order and direction of said court, shall upon payment to the owner or owners thereof, or into the said court as a oresaid, of the amount so ascertained and assessed as to each parcel, be thereupon vested fully in the United States, and the . · right of possession thereof. Duc. 5. That the said court may direct the time and manner in ummm. which possession of the property condemned shall be taken or delivered, and may, if necessary, enforce api order or issue anyiprocess Prcwn for giving possession. The cost occasion by the inquiry an assess- mccst or asumsnt, ment shall e paid bly the United States ; an as to other costs which (5,;,,,,,,,,, may arise, they sha be charged or taxed as the court may direct. _ · Sec. 6. That whenever, and as, title to the several parcels of such ,,,T‘,,’§§¤“,§‘§}",$,}“‘,g$,Q§§ real estate shall be acquired as aforesaid, and the same shall be q£B¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤_$§sg;¤__ read for delivery, and the sufficiency thereof shall be certified by P ` the Attorney General of the United States, or whenever by condemnation of any parcel the fair value of the same shall be ascertained, the Treasurer of the United States is hereby authorized and directed, upon the requisition of the said Secretary, to pay the purchase, or into court the condemnation, price, of such property, parcel by parcel. " Approved, June 25, 1890. CHAP. 614.-·Au act approving, with amendments, the funding act of Arizona. J¤¤¤ 95, 1890 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of the nxngadmungg m Revised Statutes of Arizona of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, ,,‘§$'g,L° '"‘ ‘*’· known as “Title XXXI-Funding," be, and is hereby, amended so as to read as follows, and that as amended the same hereby approved and confirmed, subject to future Territorial legislation TITLE XXXI—FUNDING AND LOAN. Fundingaudlom. CHAPTER ONE. . " TERRITORIAL, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND SCHOOL D1s•rmc·r INDEBT- m§:_réjp°g,*f=;’·ud°?_g,Q*0{; mmnss. indebtedness. "P 2039. Sec. 1. For the p111‘p0Se Of lf uidating and rovid· m§Q’,Q’c‘fS‘°g‘§¤°,§'}; ing foin the payment of)the outstanding and egisting indebtedlhess of mm the Territory of Arizona and such future indebtedness as may be or