Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1717

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1670 INDEX. _ _ _ _ Page. _ _ _ Page. Mwhzgan Ozty, Induma, Mzlztary Academy—C0ntmued. _ appropriation for improvement of harbor 433 appropriation for expenses, Board of Vxs- _ uma extended for constructing bridge IUOIS . 16 i , 820 across Trail Creek at .. 59 for miscellaneous expenses ..,... _ . 1 64 , S20 · Michayan Collection District, cvmpenmuon; pay of m<*=<>h¤m<=¤- - {gf. gig ports of entry and delivery ,,,___________ 115 for hbrqry .. _ . 4, - · · for furmtura, cadet hospxtal .. 168, 820 Mzch¢gan M112t01E Academy, , , _ . 1 8 8 0 relieved of 1ia.b' ‘ty for ordnance, em 173 for °°¤V{¤8€¤°*°¤· ¤“P°1'mt°¤d°¤* ·-··· 13*8- 82 ][ichle,.’ Sallie H (widow), fOr fu1‘11{tu1‘e, qtc . . _ ... , 20 pension increased 1222 for c0ntmgcu;?:1cs,hAca<§em1c Boarg. . . MMSMM 1>¤m>~·D¤P¤T*m¢~# of Aw f33E2E1E?2S§u.f12n’€§?T"..?..3?TT‘T‘?.??.. ,168 8pPm;;'*_i·qt’;(:`;’;»for micmscopm assistants for public works; buildings and g1·01mdsi68 8 A P 9 * etc . 283 1045 ’ “ {Mi? mv?;;;mo¤¤, im ... . . .285; 1047 i"1$f;v?1;‘é'];;éh·S·éild é};L{Aééj j fg? gg} ‘ ¤—¢»"w mv¤¢—·>¤¢, r kms' w il, b· ,m..1 ,821 Paymemi tv 0W¤°!`¤ and CNW- YGSOUB of fg; CSECGISP qssaxierg H<;a;gi·; barslupwrecked seamen .. . . . 1367 racks;’s sboreh0use.168, 821 Middle Georgia. and Atlantic Railway Com- for baud room; quarters and hospital, pany, . enlisted men ,... . . 168 Mguay 1:)x;:‘gcNSa;/vfauuah River, Ga., smd_S. C. 4*72 fo; Sg)1Il8 for roads; quarters for watch- 168 tl1I11].€1l1]II.h€l: Ngw York Bay authorized for between, and New Utrecht 748 pairs . 168 Midlige, William R, for rflpairs south wharf; headquarters Mléailymmtof judgment of Court of Claims to 890 f blzgldirig .. ... {69 2 n or cp one sys em . ... 69 app1aopriati011 for consul at 278, 1058 for repairs to house on Kiusley estate 169 Jlileage Army, for enlarging storehouse, etc 821 appropriation for officers ... 151,773 for repairs, cbc., riding hall . . . . 821 - maximum allowance 151, 77 3 for improving, etc. ,p1umbiug and saw- 011 subsidized roads . . 151, 773 erago ... . . 821 limit for transportation by Quartermasim 7 3· gor extending water works .. . . . . 822 ta1·’s Department . 7 or repairs etc., cadet 1mm .. 822 .Mileage, Naw, ’ deficiency a }o riation for su mund- . . . . PP P P0 daticxency appropriation for clmms . 544,551 aut .. . 515 M1 cpt M t 894, 897 for pay ... 548 . ze.: ey, on., My- .· part of6F?; gg; R¤S¤¤*¤*=i¤¤, gmmed 292 ;Lm»$¥ZEi$6; expenses, em., m stm -Jh7¢¤,Ev¢iy¤ wc <·~¤»»·` >L°? ‘‘‘‘`‘` ° m%°“;E$t’“2£??;;;;;;.; ‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· 393 Mynsiou increased ... 1239 Mijitayy £,mbgT;8hmem (see '```` ‘ fwd- q°'””·» Militmjq Information from Abreu}! 4rmy

’·_}*FY°P¤*m°¤ f°!‘imP1'°V€m€mF Of harbor 428 a propriation for clerk .. .’.t {50 773

M {a'!! (-*8* Arm)')- agowzmce to officers ’ 150 ”€]'L'“"{.;‘£-1’€';€§"}’é;sup rt of 163 816 M""""' "°"’· ```` · _ _ _ . ... , · ti f - · ____ _ _ _ _ I51?add1tiona.lfpay ggpormtendent 163, 816 apE,;0g;11z,giI;g?;F ‘;}g;;FmghN j' 397’ gg; WY 3; ggéfomv em ·······-····· Q2? report on, at Sain DiegozCa1., tr; be. msiéé: 765 $0r E Ofjmud ic:. I I I :164:816 smnm;;·5Tf>1frts for trying minor offenses 648 ,3; P,yg“, mmf §§{Q; ;’§§,?$* j j j j fj; QQ Military If*rigon,fFo·rt Lecwemwarth, mm., for cum-gut expenses _______________ _ JM, Sm apggoggaaiinicéu 0;} of, etc 403, 980_ fw mmm, eigc .., , , , ,,,__ 134,315 f me S, 6 ·, lrpl -. . 155, 777 got fuel and lights __________________· 164, 817 _ pr q er commauding ... 773 §°’¤’°“*y,,,,,S;1?;:;”°¤**y·°*t,; --—---·-·-· **4-8*7 ““‘“‘}{’\£¤1°f..?ti2%"3?’se‘LSiY.Z2€.§? ”° “"` m for clerkspg · · l I 0ui:iobeannu:{I msteadofquarferly 722 for expenses, department of cavalry_ C1 og m tary convxcts may be comined •%rm1€ry,aPdi·nfantrytacticS··-,.165,817u1...:...·-·.. 840 cm! and military engineering ____,_ 185, 317 Mzhtary Reservatums, natural and experime¤ta1p1;u0s0phy1s5,31g nght of way granted through Fon Rney, mntiupmatncs .,..,__,_ _ ___,____ 165, 513 Kaus .. . . . .,., 7ss mst0W, gwgyaphy, and ethics ,, 165,818 F<>1‘f Myer, V3 . ., 790 °h°“‘?***’Y· ¤¤¤€1’¤1<>gY» Md geology. 165, 818 Military Remwtimzs, Abandoned, d¤W¤¤Z .-.. . . ... , 186, 818 appropriation for survey, etc ___________ _ 972 IIE3i9m lmlzuages .·... gg gl `grinucyj apprepriawiu for care, etc. . , 878 ._ .. : Z  :  : . m yomm , 0 n t t d . . 7 Pmchcal mxhtary emgmccring .. 166, 819 actual 0cc€1pal:16tsJ;:.)uu(;xnr;i3? (;:§90mt;> 22 ordmguce and gummry ..,.. 166, 819 preference.` . ’ , 227 §g;;“‘“°”p;'5}'·°*?·-*¤”¤¤F¤¤¤¤¢-—i67 ${9 miuenllauds ___ jfjjjjjijjjf ‘‘·· 227 xtra_ enhsted men; proviso. .. , 9 ubuc-bmaing mas reserved. . . I .ZZZZ 227 artdlery detnchmnuttubcmustarcd out 167 ssh hatchery, Fort Saunders, reserved. 277