Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1603

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1556 PROCLAMATIONS. Ne. 9. the President required to be made by this act, have a right to re-enter upon said claims and procure title thereto under the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United States, and complete the same as required therein, and their said claims shall, for such time, have a preference over later entries; and when they shall have in other respects shown themselves entitled and shall have complied with the law regulating such entries, and, as to homesteads, with the special provisions of this act, they shall be entitled to have said lands, and patents therefor shall be issued as in like cases: Provided, That preemfption claimants shall reside on their lands the same length of time be ore procuring title as homestead claimants under this act. The price to be paid for town-site entries shall be such as is required by aw in other cases, and shall be paid into the general fund provided _ for b_y this act. " I_II*§I*{I{_°I*;;_'II'gm It 1s, furthermore, hereby made known that there has been and is hereby reserved from entry or settlement that tract of land now occupied by the agency and school buildings at the Lower Brule Agency, to wit: he west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four; the east half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-three; the west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty -five ; the east half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-six, and the northwest fractional quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-six; all in township one hundred and four, north of range seventy-two, west of _ the nfth principal meridian; c§g;g{IjI{I*ig,¤;v:; That there is also reserved as aforesaid the following described Agmq. tract within which the Cheiyenne River Agency, school and certain other buildings are locate , to wit: Commencing at a point in the center of the main channel of the Missouri River opposite Deep Creek, about three miles south of Cheyenne River; thence due west five and one half miles; thence due north to the Cheyenne River; thence down said river to the center of the main channel thereof to a point in the center of the Missouri River due east or opposite the month of said Cheyenne River; thence down the center o the main channel of the Missouri River to the place of beginning:

*° 1** That in Ipursuance of the provisions contained in section one of

v¤L2sg,p.$`. said act, the tract of land situate in the State of Nebraska and described in said act as follows; to wit: “Bepnning at a point on the boundary-line between the State of Nebras a am the erritory of Dakota, where the range line between ranges forty-four and forty- live west of the sixth principal meridian, in the Territory of Dakota, intersects said boundary-line; thence east along said boundary-line five miles; thence due south five miles; thence due west ten mi1esthence due north to said boundary-line; thence due east along said boundary-line to the lace of beginning/’ same is continue in a state of re ervation sodong as it may be needed for the use and Frotection of the Indians receiving rations and annuities at the ine P·¤¤¤¤ RNB Agencyh is l i ll t t t I . I *•¤‘¤¤¤ arning is ereb a o express y given to a ersons no o en er ze¤e¤e4°° or make settlement dpon any of the tracts of land specially reserved by the terms of said act, or by this proclamation, or any portion of any tracts of land to which any individual member of either of the bands of the great Sioux Nation, or the Ponca tribe of Indians, shall have a preference right under the provisions of said act; and further, to in no wise interfere with the occupancy of any of said tracts by any of said Indians, or in any manner to disturb, molest or prevent the peaceful possession of said tracts by them. B¤¤¤y¤· The surveys required to be made of the lands to be restored to the public domain under the rovisions of the said act, and as in this proclgination set forth be commenced and executed as early as possi e.